Friday 3 October 2014

The Rainbow Home Circle - Wednesday 6th August 2014.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
Teresa Tuohy.
Doris Forster.
Mike Ganley.
Jojan Ganley.
Vincent Crewe.
John Stevenson (Guest).

Our good friend Vincent brought along many Orgonite crystals this evening that he had made himself, to put into the séance room for charging, so that they could be taken away and used for various forms of healing. Vincent, on more than one occasion, has given gifts of these crystals to our circle members and visitors, and Kath and I would like to thank him for his generosity and for his efforts in trying to heal this world that we live in…Thank you Vincent.

The circle was opened this evening with a Prayer by Teresa…the table bursting into life as she spoke. “Good evening Red Cloud.” say sitters as he takes command of the table and lifts it high into the air then back to the floor. When asked if he had anything to say, Red Cloud said “Welcome. John (guest sitter) needs healing on neck. Drum, (then) hoops after.”

Tom puts on the red light torch and Teresa brings in the shamanic drum and beater and places them on the rocking table. As the light goes off Red Cloud picks up the beater and begins to beat on the drum. Moments later both the beater and drum are up in the air and are floating out of the circle over Kath and Jojan’s heads. As Red Cloud continues to beat on the drum we watch as it slowly descends to the floor behind Jojan.

The drum (still being beaten) now rises back up, over sitters heads, and back into the circle. The drum and beater then move across the circle and come to rest on Mike’s head where they hover for a second or two before dropping down onto Kath’s knee. The drum moves from Kath’s knee onto the table-top and then moves slowly round the circle of sitters, resting gently on fingers that are on the edge of the table as it moves round - Red Cloud is still drumming as it moves around.

The drum is now on its side just above the table; Red Cloud beats the drum hide, then the drum side in quick succession before moving from the drum to sitters fingers with the beater as he moves 360 degrees around the circle. Moments later we hear the drum being beaten again, but this time it is Red Cloud’s hand that is doing the beating. Mike now tells us that his hand has been grabbed and pulled over the drum, seconds later he is doing a duet with Red Cloud on the drum.

As the drumming stops, Red Cloud moves the drum across to me (Terry) and I ask if he wishes it to be removed…”Yes.” says Red Cloud. Tom puts on the red light and the drum and beater are removed from the table. The hoops are brought in by me and placed on top of sitters hands that are resting on the edge of the table, and as the light is put off both hoops begin to shake and vibrate. One of the hoops now rises up, and is put over John’s head, then my head - we are both inside the hoop now as it begins to vibrate on our shoulders.

The second hoop is now up and over to Vincent; over his head and resting on his shoulders. Moments later the hoop is up and over to Doris, the hoops shaking and vibrating all the while they are over sitters. We now have one hoop in a vertical position just resting on the table, but spinning round and round. From the table this hoop goes up to the ceiling and then back down again.

The hoop is now over Tom’s neck and he is telling us that he is being pulled over the table by the hoop. Tom now tells us that a hand is touching his hair, and moments later a hoop is up and over Teresa and Jojan’s heads, shaking and vibrating on their shoulders. Both hoops are up in the air now, twirling around just above our heads. As the hoops drop back down and come to rest on sitter’s hands, Red Cloud communicates “Picture.” through the table.

Tom puts on the red light torch and a photo is taken of the hoops resting on sitter’s hands, the table rocks very fast whilst the light is on. As soon as Tom turns off the torch, one of the hoops is pushed right up to my chest and I am pushed further back into my seat. I ask “Do you want rid (of hoops)?” “Yes.” says Red Cloud. The hoops are removed from the table, and moments later Red Cloud says “Enjoy.” “We will.” say sitters as Red Cloud leaves us.

“Hi Dad, did you enjoy your birthday?” asks Kath as Dick comes to the table. “Yes.” says Dick. “Happy birthday for yesterday.” says Mike. Within seconds of Dick coming to the table one of the Orgonite crystals that are situated on the floor near the spare table, lifts up and floats into the circle. It hovers over the table very smoothly moving from side to side for a few moments, then it moves around the circle from sitter to sitter before finally coming to rest on the table.

Dick now communicates through the table - “Me…” “Megaphones?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. “Is Mum (Mary) here?” asks Kath as the light is put on for me to bring in the megaphones. “Yes.” says Dick. As the light goes off one trumpet is up and over to guest sitter ‘John’, and it is tapping his hand. Moments later the trumpet is moving over slightly to Vincent - “Hello Dick, happy birthday, you don’t look a day older.” says Vincent [laughter].

Both trumpets are now up in the air; one goes out of the circle behind Jojan whilst the other hovers just above our heads in the centre of the circle. Both trumpets then do exactly the same movements together, they seem to be conducting to the background music. Both trumpets are now back together in the centre of the circle, but within seconds one trumpet is being put on Doris’ hand, and straight away we hear kisses being blown down it. The other trumpet is up and over to Teresa now, it is round the back of her, tapping her shoulder. This trumpet then moves across to Vincent, and moments later Vincent has the trumpet on his hand. The other trumpet is then placed on John’s hand, and John tells us that he feels a hand gripping the outside of the trumpet.

The Orgonite crystal now begins to stir on the table, and moments later it is seen to lift up from the table and be placed on the floor at the side of the table. At the same time Vincent is telling us that he feels a ‘nice firm squeeze’ on his hand as the trumpet pulls him over towards Mike’s shoulder area. Tom puts on the red light, and we find Vincent stood, leaning across the table with his arm outstretched, trumpet on the end of it resting on Mike’s shoulder. Tom takes photos of this and the trumpet that is on John’s hand.

As the light goes off Vincent feels his hand being squeezed through the trumpet, then, as the trumpet is taken from his hand, it hovers for a few seconds, then we hear a female voice softly say ‘Hello’ down it. We ask if this is Mary speaking and we get a ‘nod’ for ‘yes’ with the trumpet. Both trumpets are now up and out of the circle behind Jojan - they then give us the ‘gyro’ effect as they spin round and round very fast, inter-twining with each other as they do this.

As the trumpets come back into the circle, one of them taps Jojan. They then start to tap out a ‘conga’ type tune on the circle table whilst sitters sing-along. Dick then communicates “More.” through the table. I assume he means more trumpets so ask “All seven?” “Yes.” says Dick. Tom puts on the light and I bring in the other five trumpets and place them on the table next to the two already there. Moments later (when the light is off) we have four trumpets rising up from the table, then, a second later, the other three are up.

We have two bunches of trumpets now, a three and a four; one bunch goes out of the circle behind Jojan whilst the other bunch starts to tap on the table. Seconds later the bunch outside of the circle comes back in and they all join up again just above the table. Now, for the next few moments, Dick goes round individual sitters, putting a trumpet on each of their hands; he starts with Teresa, then Jojan, Doris, Tom, Vincent, John and then myself. Seven sitters, seven trumpets, with nine sitters in the circle, the two sitters left have their fingers taken hold of and placed inside the other end of a trumpet already on another sitters hand.

So, all sitters are now attached to a trumpet in some way - the table now starts to rock, “Are you building energy?” asks Kath. “Yes,” is the reply through the table. The table now turns upside-down and moves across to Kath. From Kath the table lifts up and over Mike’s head, and Mike is now inside the table legs. Mike now describes what is happening as he is pulled over onto Tom’s knee (still inside the table). All sitters still have a trumpet on one of their hands, so for the next few moments there is some fumbling around whilst Tom can get to the torch and turn it on to take photos.

All sitters laugh as we see Mike inside the table resting on Tom’s knee as I hold the torch for Tom to take the photos with his free hand. The photos are taken and then the light is put off. Almost instantly the table lifts off Mike, it then moves across the circle to Vincent. Vincent tells us that the table is now resting on his knee and that his shoulder is between the table legs. The light is put on again, and we take photos of Vincent inside the table with a trumpet on his left arm.

The table now moves off Vincent’s knee; the trumpet on his left arm is also taken and is seen to dance in the centre of the circle. The trumpets on Teresa and my arms are also taken off (by Spirit) and both now join up with the one in the centre of the circle. All three trumpets are now up in the air doing figure of eights just above our heads.

Moments later Tom tells us that his knee has been tapped and stroked - Tom now tells us that the camera that was held to his wrist by a strap, has been taken (by Dick). One of the trumpets now moves across to Jojan and Teresa and comes to rest on their laps. Tom now tells us that he is being pulled forward from his chair, and that the table that we can see moving, is actually going over Tom’s head and down his body as he leans forward.

Tom is now down on his knees in the centre of the circle with the circle table over his body; he being between its legs. We put on the red light torch hoping to take a photo…where is the camera? We find the camera with its strap wrapped around the trumpet that is on Teresa and Jojan’s lap - “Amazing!” says Jojan. Photos are now taken of Tom inside the table whilst the camera (digi-camcorder) is still attached to the trumpet on Jojan’s lap.

As the light goes off, the trumpet begins to move on Jojan’s lap, and seconds later the camera is taken from the trumpet by Dick, and Vincent tells us that it (the camera) has been placed on his wrist. The spare table behind Mike and Kath now begins to move, within seconds it is in the circle between Mike and Kath. As it turns upside-down it gently drops down onto the table that Tom is still inside in the centre of the circle. “Well…this is interesting.” says Tom [laughter].

The spare table (still on Tom who is still knelt down on the floor inside the circle table) now begins to communicate - “Drum.” says Dick. “A small one?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. The red light is put on to bring in the small drum - all sitters laugh as we see Tom (looking like a turtle) engulfed by two tables. The small drum along with the small drumsticks is brought in by me and placed on the upturned spare table top and then the red light is turned off.

The small drum, which has a length of string attached to it, is now up in the air and spinning round very fast (Dick is obviously holding the string to do this). The drum stops spinning and now the drumsticks are up and tapping on the table. We hear a loud rattling sound as the drumsticks now begin to rub up and down on the spare table’s centre post. Seconds later Jojan tells us that a drumstick has been placed in her hand (we assume by Dick).

We put on the light and Vincent now takes a photo of Tom amidst the tables - Vincent has problems with the camera because he still has a trumpet on his left arm, but he manages to take the photo. As the light goes off the spare table moves off Tom and glides across to Jojan and Teresa, ending up on their laps. Tom now tells us that he has been lifted up slightly (Dick was lifting the table with Tom inside), and that he is now upright, but still on his knees, and still inside the table.

We put on the red light to find Tom looking to be in a very uncomfortable position, but when asked how he was…”I’m fine.” says Tom. More photos are taken and then the light is put off. Almost immediately the circle table rises up with Tom inside, it then lifts off Tom and moves across to Jojan and Teresa and seats itself table-top to table-top with the spare table that is between Jojan and Teresa.
The red light is put on again - we find the spare table stuck firmly to the circle table between Jojan and Teresa; Jojan with the drumsticks still in her hand. More photos are taken and the light is put off. The circle table now moves off the spare table and is placed back in the centre of the circle by Dick. The drumsticks are taken from Jojan, and Mike tells us one has been placed in his hand.

The spare table now moves from between Jojan and Teresa, and is placed upside-down on top of the circle table (again we assume by Dick - as opposed to another Spirit helper). Both tables now rise up off the floor by about two feet, and are felt to sway from side to side in mid-air (various fingers touching edge of top table for energy purposes). The tables drop gently back to the floor and move off centre (of circle) slightly. Dick then tilts both tables to near horizontal position in centre of circle, the top table stuck firmly to the bottom one as he does so. We are allowed the red light to witness this and also to take a photo.

As the light goes off the tables rise back up to the vertical position, the spare table then lifts off the circle table and moves back out of the circle between Mike and Kath to its original position - missing all of Vincent’s Orgonite crystals that are on the floor in the same spot - amazing stuff in the darkness!.

Whilst all this was going on, our guest sitter John, had been receiving healing with the trumpet seated on his arm. Dick now says “Terry, take the trumpet off John very gently.” “Has he (John) had enough healing?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. The red light is put on and I take the trumpet from John’s arm and place it on the floor behind me. Dick then communicates “Bye” through the table. “God Bless, bye.” say sitters as Dick leaves us.

Our next communicator to the table is Spirit child ‘Luke’. Luke wastes no time, he straight away asks for the ropes (skipping ropes) - “All three?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke. The red light is put on and the three skipping ropes are placed on the table by me. The skipping ropes are always brought in with the rope wrapped round the handles - we once brought them in unwound, but were told that they (Spirit) prefer to unwind them themselves for whatever reason.

One of the ropes is now moving on the table; we can hear, and partially see the rope being unwound from the handles. Moments later Luke picks up one of the trumpets and begins to sword-fight with Vincent (not sure if Vincent still has a trumpet on his arm at this point, or whether he is holding it). Luke then takes both trumpets and throws them out of the circle between Doris and myself - the only light in the room at this point is a dim glow from the luminous tabs on toys etc, but this does not affect his aim.

The unravelled rope is now up in the air - Luke is holding on to the centre of the rope and is swinging the handles round in circles, ever so fast, within the circle of sitters. Various sitters probably cringe as the rope handles get closer to them; the speed they are travelling at would obviously sting if they hit a sitter, but no, Luke is showing us just how much he is in control in the darkness. The spinning rope now rises up and goes out of the circle over Kath’s head, and the circle of light from the luminous tabs on the rope handles is now just about from floor to ceiling as the handles spin faster and faster.

“Calm yourself son, that’s a little close to me.” says Kath to Luke jokingly, as the spinning ropes are probably just inches from the back of her head. Moments later we see the spinning rope slow down slightly and then come back into the circle between Mike and Kath. Mike now tells us that one end of the skipping rope is being put round his neck, and then round again. The other end of the skipping rope now starts to spin again just in front of Mike’s head. As Luke lets out more rope and the circle gets bigger, the handles that are spinning are just centimetres from my hand - I comment on the fact that the handles are very close, then Luke allows the handle to just clip my hand very softly - obviously to show me that he knows exactly where my hand is.

We see the other skipping ropes move on the table now, and within seconds they are both up and out of the circle behind Kath again, this time we have four handles spinning round ever so fast. Moments later they are back in the circle - Teresa tells us that her wrist is being tied with the rope. Mike tells us that his wrist is now being tied, and that the rope that is still round his neck is pulling him in towards the circle table. Vincent now tells us his wrist is being tied, and at the same time we hear a slapping sound - Mike tells us that his back has just been slapped.

My hands are resting on the table’s edge…suddenly a hand grabs my fingers and pulls my hand in towards the centre of the table - I can now feel a rope being tied around my wrist. A rope handle now begins to spin very fast just above my tied hand - it is just brushing my skin as it spins faster and faster - such precision! As the spinning stops we ask for the red light so we may look at who has been tied. “You’re a little monkey Luke.” says Kath as we see Mike with his head resting on the table, with rope around his neck, and various sitters tied up.

The moment the light is put off young Luke unties us all, he then takes Tom’s camera from him and gives it to Teresa. Luke then communicates “Ba…” through the table. “ I interrupt with “Balloons?” “Yes.” says Luke. The two pink balloons are brought in and placed over the table. We now hear Luke rubbing and patting the balloons. Moments later the circle table is turned upside-down by Luke. He places it back down on the floor and then he wraps the elastic band on the balloon round the leg of the table.

Luke is now twanging the elastic band that is stretched taught from the table leg to (we assume) his other hand. As Luke twangs the elastic band it sounds like the ‘Conga’ tune so we all join in and sing along. “They’re still in a party mood aren’t they Terry?” says Mike as Luke is now bashing away on one of the balloons - I agree.

Tom tells us that his hand has been grabbed, and that it has been placed on top of a balloon. Now he tells us that his hand has been twanged by the elastic band; his finger is now being tied with the elastic band. Vincent now has Luke’s attention as his hand has now had the elastic band put over it, and he also is being twanged - “Does it not hurt?” asks Kath. “No, it’s fine.” says Vincent.

Luke continues to play around with the balloons for a few seconds more, then Tom comments on the fact that the elastic band has now snapped - it must have been over-stretched by Luke. The circle table is now up in the air and turning on its side, and as it comes back down it straddles the balloon that is on the floor. The table is now using the balloon as a ‘space hopper’ as it bounces up and down on it with the three legs of the table wrapped around it.

We are allowed to put on the light to watch the table bouncing up and down, and at the same time take photos of this with the camera that is still in Teresa’s hand. As the light is put off the table lifts off the balloon and it moves to one side of the circle. Mike now tells us that a balloon is near him and that he can feel the elastic band on it, going right over his body (these elastic bands are quite large).

Luke now communicates through the table “Wire.” [we have four pieces of pliable wire in varying lengths in the séance room at all times, as requested by Red Cloud]
Tom puts on the red light and I bring in the four pieces of wire (approx 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch in length) on the now rocking table. The light goes off and we sit in silence whilst Luke works with the wire. It is so quiet that we think that Luke has actually left us, but then we hear the wire moving on the table and realize he is still here. “I’ve never known you (Luke) be so quiet son.” says Kath.

Four minutes have passed now and Luke is still working with the wire - then, Luke communicates through the table “Run out…” Kath interrupts with “You’ve run out of time?” “Yes.” says Luke. “Awww.” say sitters. “Have you made something though?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. “Can we look?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. We put on the light to find that Luke has made one angel and two partially finished angels from the wire he was given.

Luke then communicates through the table “John, for sister…” “Oh, you want John to take one of the healing angels for his sister?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. “That’s fine.” says Kath. Luke then communicates “Bye.” through the table. “Bye Luke.” say sitters as he leaves us.

We welcome Red Cloud back to the table, and Kath asks “Are they (our Spirit friends) still in a party mood?” “Yes.” says Red cloud [laughter]. Red Cloud then says “Energies good.” All sitters agree that the energies were certainly good this evening. Red Cloud continues “John, please come again…if you can cope with these strange people.” [laughter]

“No Fred (Doris’ husband in Spirit) tonight?” asks Kath. “No.” says Red Cloud. “He’s having a rest?” asks Doris. “Yes.” says Red Cloud. “Give him our Love please.” says Doris. “Yes (I will).” says Red Cloud.

Red Cloud, having nothing more to say, asked us to close the circle.

The circle was closed with a Prayer by Doris.

Duration of sitting: One hour and ten minutes.

Terry Nelson.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - Some were taken with a normal flash camera, and some were taken with red light and digi-camcorder (snapshot feature):

After giving various sitters healing with the hoops,
Red Cloud places them back on top
of sitters hands for removal.

Dick (Kath's Father in Spirit) puts the
trumpet on to Vincent's arm, and
then pulls Vincent over the table
towards Mike who is sitting opposite.

 Red light photo of the trumpet on Vincent's
arm (put there by Dick).

Guest sitter 'John' also has a trumpet
on his arm, again put there by Dick.

Dick asks for seven trumpets...he then puts
them on individual sitter's hands.

 Dick takes the circle table across to
Vincent and sits it on his knee.

Dick takes the digi-camcorder from
Tom's wrist and loops it over the trumpet
that is on Jojan's lap.

Dick puts Tom inside the circle table, takes
him to the floor, and then brings in the spare
table and puts it on top of Tom's back.

 Side view of Tom inside the circle table
with the spare table on top.

Dick takes the spare table from Tom's
back and puts it between Jojan and
Teresa. Dick then lifts Tom up
to this position.

Red light photo of Tom inside the table.

Dick eventually takes the table from around
Tom, and sits it in this position on the spare
table between Jojan and Teresa - the two
tables are fixed firmly together by Spirit energy.

Dick puts the spare table on top of the circle
table and then tilts them both to near
horizontal position.

Mike bent over, trussed up with a skipping rope
around his neck, put there by Spirit child 'Luke'.

Spirit child 'Luke' uses the balloon as a
'space hopper' as he bounces the
circle table on top of it.

Red light photo of the Orgonite crystal
(created by Vincent) that Dick brought in
from behind Mike, and placed on the circle table.

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