Rainbow Home Circle - Wednesday 27th August 2014.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
Joanna Nelson.
Emma Kenny.
Malcolm Smith.
Mary Smith.
Doris Forster.
Helen Henderson.
Ross Henderson.
Vincent Crewe.

Apart from the occasional Direct Voice, all communication with our Spirit friends this evening was via the table.

Lots and Lots of Love and laughter this evening with our Spirit friends - our daughter Joanna joins us for what was her second sitting, her first being over fifteen years ago - our Spirit friends welcome her like it was only yesterday.

The table rocks excitedly as our daughter Emma opens the circle in Prayer - the table now tilts, then rises up off the floor. The table, still levitating, communicates the letter ‘R’ - “Red Cloud?” I ask. “Yes, welcome everyone…especially Joanna.” says Red Cloud [laughter]. “It has been a while (since her last visit).” says Kath. “Yes, fifteen years.” says Red Cloud [more laughter].

Red Cloud now communicates the letter ‘D’ through the table - “Drum?” I (Terry) ask. “Yes.” says Red Cloud. Tom puts on the red light, and his Mum ‘Emma’ brings in the shamanic drum and places it on the circle table, then places the beater on top. The light goes off and the drum and beater are immediately picked up from the table by Red Cloud - “Wow!” says Joanna as the drum, being beaten by Red Cloud moves out of the circle over Helen’s head to the back wall.

The drum beat quickens and gets louder, then the beater returns to the centre of the circle, once again over Helen’s head. Helen now tells us that her face, hair and neck are being touched and stroked by the beater. Moments later the beater is tapping the table, then it swings out of the circle to the drum which is on the floor near the wall - it hits the drum then arcs back into the circle and hit’s the table. Back and forth it goes, hitting the drum then the table - we can see this in the darkness because of the luminous tab on the beater’s stem.

We can now see the drum rise up off the floor behind Helen (three luminous tabs on its side); it comes back into the circle, but stops just above Helen’s head. The drum is now on Helen’s head and the beater is tapping away on it. The drum and beater now move away from Helen and come to rest on Emma and Vincent’s hands that are resting on the table’s edge. As Red Cloud continues to beat on the drum it slowly moves around the sitter’s hands - Malcolm tells us that it is on his hands now, then it is over to me, then over to Doris.

The drum now moves over, and is placed on Joanna’s knee by Red Cloud, and we now hear Red cloud’s hand beating on the drum. From Joanna, over to Tom the drum goes - Red Cloud’s hand is still beating on the drum whilst the beater is now tapping on the table-top. The beater is now tapping Vincent’s hand between taps on the table. The beater now moves over to Mary (seated next to Kath) and strokes her head, then back over to Vincent and strokes his face and head.

“Oh I have missed you Red Cloud.” says Helen as the drumming stops. Tom puts on the red light and the drum/beater are removed from the table. Kath asks if we should put the hoops on the table whilst the red light is on - “Yes.” says Red Cloud. I (Terry) bring in the three hoola hoops and place them on sitters hands that are resting over the table’s edge. The table tilts over slightly, and Joanna bends over slightly and looks under the table - “Are you looking for the strings Joanna?” asks Kath jokingly [laughter]. 

Tom turns off the red light and one hoop is immediately picked up by Red Cloud and placed over Malcolm’s head. Seconds later the second hoop is up and over Doris and Joanna’s heads. The third hoop is now up, and this one manages to go over Kath, Helen, Emma and Vincent’s heads and comes to rest on their shoulders [laughter]. Kath asks if we may look at this - “Yes.” says Red Cloud. Tom puts on the red light, and photos are taken of sitters inside the hoops - the table is rocking and vibrating quite fast whilst photos are being taken.

The light goes off and all hoops are now vibrating whilst over sitters - Red Cloud calls these ‘healing hoops’ and many sitters talk of positive results from healing received with them. Moments later Red Cloud takes the hoops from sitters and places them back on our hands that are on table’s edge. Sitters thank Red Cloud for the healing, then moments later the three hoops begin to spin round and round just above our hands. The hoops now rise up, they continue to rise until nearly touching the ceiling, then drop slowly back down to the table and begin to vibrate on our hands again.

The hoops stop vibrating and Kath asks if we may take a photo - “Yes.” says Red Cloud. Tom puts on the light and photos are taken of the hoops - the table rocks ever so fast as photos are taken. The hoops are removed from the table whilst the light is on - “Bye.” says Red Cloud as Tom turns off the light. “God Bless, bye.” says Sitters.

Our second communicator comes to the table - “Good evening Dick, welcome.” says sitters as Dick moves the table across the circle to his Son Malcolm. From Malcolm Dick moves across the circle to Joanna (his Granddaughter) as if to welcome her also. Dick now communicates the letter ‘M’ through the table - “Megaphones?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. “Three?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. The light is put on, I bring in the megaphones, the light is put off. One megaphone is immediately picked up from the table by Dick - over to Helen it goes, then over to Vincent, then over to Joanna, tapping her on the head when it reaches her.

The second megaphone is now up with the first, and they are now swaying together in the air above us, conducting to the background music perfectly, as Dick always does. One megaphone now moves out of the circle over Helen’s head to the door area - they are about seven feet apart now as they continue to conduct to the music in perfect unison with each other - The table is now swaying also, in unison with the megaphones.

The third megaphone is now up in the air, it moves across to Joanna and taps her hand. Joanna tells us that her hand is now inside the megaphone - “Oh wow!” says Joanna. “Just go with it.” says her Mum Kath. Emma now has a megaphone on her hand, and both her and Joanna tell us that their hands are being squeezed from the outside (of the megaphone).

Emma certainly raises the energy level now as she laughs out loud as Dick pulls her over the table, and at the same time Joanna tells us that her arm (still inside the megaphone) is being pulled to the side towards Mary who is two seats to her left.

“Can we look?” Asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. Tom puts on the light and we find Joanna and Emma’s trumpeted arms, one on either side of Mary’s neck, the trumpets attached at the back of Mary’s neck. Tom attempts to take a photo of this, but Emma moves slightly and the trumpets separate before photo was taken. Tom puts off the light and we then hear air being blown down the trumpets (megaphones) on Emma and Joanna’s arms.

The trumpets are now taken from Emma and Joanna by Dick, one moves across the circle to Malcolm - “Is my Mother (Mary) here?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick with a nod of the trumpet. The trumpet is now on Malcolm’s hand and up is arm. The third trumpet is up and over to Ross who is seated next to Malcolm, and within seconds it is on Ross’ arm. 

We can now hear kisses being blown down the trumpet on Malcolm’s arm - Dick then communicates the letter ‘M’ through the table. “Is that ‘more’ (trumpets)?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. We have seven trumpets in the room at any given time, and when Dick asks for more, it usually means he wants all seven.  Tom puts on the light and I bring in the other four trumpets and place them on the table.

As soon as the light goes off Dick picks up the trumpets one by one and puts them on sitters arms - first Joanna, then Doris, then Vincent, then Helen, and finally Mary - seven trumpets on seven sitters hands now. Kath now tells us that the fingers on both her hands have been lifted from the table and placed in the end of two separate trumpets.

The table is rocking gently as Kath asks if we may put on the light to look - “Yes.” says Dick. Tom puts on the red light torch, and five of the seven trumpeted hands are resting on the circle table, with Kath’s fingers in the end of two of them. Tom takes red light photos, and I take a normal flash photo of what we see.

As the light goes off Mary and Vincent’s arms (still inside the trumpets) are raised upwards by Dick, and moments later we hear a voice say ‘Hello’ down the trumpet on Mary’s arm. Mary’s arm is then shaken like you would shake a hand. We put on the light again to take more photos, and as the light goes off Dick takes two trumpets from sitters hands and raises them up above our heads, two trumpets now dancing in the air above us.

We now see the ‘gyro’ effect as the trumpets begin to weave in and out of each other as they spin round ever so fast. The table is still rocking in the centre of the circle as these two trumpets now fly out of the circle, out to the back wall where they separate, one on one wall, the other on another wall, tapping on the walls for a couple of seconds before coming back into the circle.

The two trumpets are now tapping on the table in front of me (Terry), one is then tapping my hand, and before I know it my hand is inside the trumpet. I feel the very strong grip of Dick’s materialized hand as it grasps the trumpet on my hand. Dick then puts the second trumpet on the one on my hand, and then pulls me down onto the still rocking table. Dick now lifts the circle table up with our trumpeted hands still on it, some of us stand to stay with the table as it lifts higher.

As the table drops back to the floor we hear the spare table moving in the corner of the room behind Kath and Mary, and almost instantly it is lifting up and moving into the circle between Mary and Kath. As the spare table travels in it turns upside-down, and we move our trumpeted hands from the circle table as it (spare table) drops down and seats itself upon it. Both tables now rise up in the air by about two feet, then gently lower back to the floor.

The spare table now slides off the circle table and moves across to Helen and Vincent, where it comes to rest between them. Dick then communicates through the circle table “Malcolm, glad you came, you needed a burst of energy healing.” Thank you Dad.” says Malcolm. Dick continues “Garden…I have seen what you have done.” “Do you mean with the watering cans and things?” Asks Mary. “Yes.” says Dick. “Because we have tidied them up?” asks Mary. “Yes.” says Dick. “Ahh, you’re been checked on then.” says Kath [laughter]. “Are you pleased with that then Dick?” Asks Mary. “Yes.” says Dick. “Good.” says Mary.

Seconds later one of the trumpets goes out of the circle behind Helen, and we hear a very deep voice say “Pleased.” (this was probably in answer to Mary asking Dick if he was pleased). Dick then said, in the same deep voice, “I am happy.”

The trumpet is now back in the circle and over to where Joanna is sat. Joanna’s hand is then put inside the trumpet by Dick, and we then hear kisses being blown down it. Joanna’s trumpeted hand is then guided over to Mary. “Have you just stroked my hair with it Jo (the trumpet)?” asks Mary. “Yes, I think so, but it isn’t me controlling it (the trumpet).” says Joanna. The trumpet on Joanna’s hand then strokes Tom’s head, and moments later we hear a female voice say ‘I love you’ down the trumpet.

“I love you too.” says Joanna. The circle table is now rocking quite fast, two of the trumpets are now just above the table, tapping each other, before they begin to tap the table-top. Moments later one of the trumpets flies out of the circle over my shoulder, and within seconds the spare table is on the move, back out of the circle between Mary and Kath to its original position in the corner of the room, it travels out very smoothly without touching Mary and Kath on its way out.

Dick now communicates through the circle table - “Jo, we are pleased you are here. We visit you, stop shouting [laughter from sitters]. They fine boys (Joanna has three boys).” “Aww, Love you.” says Joanna. The circle table rises up from the floor and goes across the circle to Joanna and ends up on her lap (giving her a cuddle). We then hear (without the aid of a trumpet) kisses in the air for Joanna. The table now moves away from Joanna, and comes to rest back on the floor in the centre of the circle - “Bye.” says Dick. “God Bless, Love you.” say sitters as Dick leaves us.

Our next communicator on the table gives us the name ‘George’ - We welcome George to the circle and I ask if he has come to see anyone in particular “Yes.” says George. I then ask George if he would like to take the table to that person - George then takes the table across the circle to Helen - “Hello Dad.” says Helen as the table seats itself on her knee. Moments later the table is up and over Helen’s head, then down her body until Helen is inside the table legs.

Helen (inside the table) then starts to sway from side to side, not her own actions, but George’s as he moves the table from side to side. Kath asks if we may have the red light on to look - Tom puts on the red light and we see Helen bent over to one side inside the table [laughter]. “Dad (George) you can’t do this, I’m not sixteen anymore.” says Helen jokingly [laughter]. The table is now off Helen and back in the centre of the circle - George then communicates the letter ‘P’ through the table.

“Are you asking for Pencil and Paper?” I ask. “Yes.” says George. I bring in the A4 paper and pencil and put them on the table, Tom checks the paper on both sides and then the light is put off. In just over a minute George has written this message for Helen: “Hello Helen and Ross, no problems…I just wanted to say ‘Well done Ross’. Bless you both.” “What have you been up to?” asks Kath. “I’ve no idea.” says Ross. “He’s just been looking after me…haven’t you.” says Helen.

I take the written message from the table and then Tom puts off the light - Within seconds Tom tells us that his hand has been grabbed and his fingers pulled over the table, then, one by one, Mary, Kath, Helen, Vincent and Emma have their hands grabbed and put on top of Tom’s hand that is on the table. George then communicates “Good healing.” “Can we have a photo of this?” Asks Kath. “Yes.” says George. The light is put on and a photo taken of all the hands together on the table - “So, are they giving me healing then?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says George. “That’s nice.” says Mary.

The light is now off and George communicates “Mum, fine.” through the table. “Good, I’m glad.” says Helen. “Bye.” says George. “Bye, love you loads.” says Helen as George leaves the table.

Our next communicator comes to the table and gives us the name ‘George?’ - “Is this a new George please?” I ask. “Yes.” is the reply. “Good, I thought that I was having Déjà vu then for a minute.” says Kath [laughter]. I ask George if he has come to see anyone in particular in the circle - “Yes.” says George. I ask George if he would like to take the table to the person he has come to see - The table moves across the circle to Mary and climbs on her knee. “Do you know a ‘George’?” asks Kath. “Well, my Grandpa was George.” says Mary - the table confirms it to be Mary’s Grandpa.

“Best behaviour now Mary.” I say jokingly to Mary. “It’s a family reunion here.” says Vincent. “Hello Grandpa.” says Mary. Kath asks what is going on with the table - “It’s cuddling me.” says Mary. Suddenly we hear kisses being blown - “Did someone blow you a kiss just then Mary?” Asks Helen. “No, I was blowing him one, but someone just kissed my arm.” says Mary [laughter]. “Fantastic!” says Vincent. “And now he is stroking my hair.” says Mary (quite emotionally). “Well, it is not me (doing the stroking), I’m laid over on Helen.” says Kath. “Well, it is lovely.” says Mary.

The table moves back to the centre of the circle and George communicates the letter ‘P’ through it - “Would you like pencil and paper George?” I ask. “Yes.” says George. Again the light is put on, and I bring in some A4 paper and the pencil and place them on the table which is now rocking quite fast. Tom turns off the light, and for the next two minutes we sit and watch as the pencil (with luminous tabs on) writes on the paper. As George finishes writing we put on the light and read his message to Mary - “Hello little Mary, I never thought I would be here, but Grandma Rose loved it. Give Malcolm healing…we will guide you. Bless you, George.”

We then comment on how small George’s name is on the bottom of the paper, so tiny in fact, we had trouble reading it. I take Mary’s message from the table and put it on the window sill behind me for safe keeping. Tom tells us that his hand has been grabbed, and at the same time Mary’s trumpeted hand is shaken and squeezed - “Is it my Grandpa do you think?” asks Mary. “Well who else would it be.” says Kath jokingly. “Is it George (doing the touching)?” asks Malcolm. “Yes.” says George. 

Moments later the trumpet is up and over to Malcolm; the trumpet is now stroking Malcolm’s arm. “He is giving you healing (Malcolm).” says Kath. The trumpet is now thrown out of the circle over my shoulder by George [laughter]. “Bye.” says George. “God bless, bye.” say sitters as George leaves us.

Our next communicator to the table gives us the name ‘Cyril’, and when asked if he had come to see anyone, he said ‘yes’. I asked if he would like to take the table to that person, and the table moved across to Vincent - “Oh, it’s on my knee.” says Vincent. “Do you know a ‘Cyril’?” asks Kath. “I’m not quite sure who Cyril is, but you‘re very welcome.” says Vincent. “If he (Vincent) looks for you, will he find you?” Asks Kath. “Yes.” says Cyril.

Cyril then communicates the letter ‘P’ through the table - “Is that ‘pencil and paper’?” I ask. “Yes.” says Cyril. Tom puts on the red light and I bring in some more A4 paper and the pencil and place them on the table.

Two minutes later and we have another written message from the Spirit world on the table. This time the writing is quite large lettering, the message reads: “Vincent, keep up the good work, I am helping you. Vincent, look (for me) around 1892.” “Oh, you’ll have to look into that Vincent.” says Malcolm. “I will.” says Vincent. “Bye.” says Cyril through the table. “God Bless, bye.” say sitters.

Our next communicator comes to the table and gives us the letter ‘L’ - This is round about the time that young Luke pays us a visit, so I ask “Is this Luke?” “Yes.” says Luke. “Good evening Luke, welcome.” say sitters as Luke lifts the table up from the floor and takes it across to our daughter Joanna - from Joanna the table goes back to the centre of the circle, but is in mid-air.

As the table slowly descends to the floor Luke says “Joanna, ropes.” I am not sure if Luke was just acknowledging Joanna or whether he was asking her for the ropes, but as Joanna was too far away from the toys to reach across for the ropes, I asked Tom to put on the red light and I brought them in and placed them on the now rocking table.

Kath now explains to Joanna why we have brought the skipping ropes in with the rope wound round the handles - we used to unravel the ropes before putting them on the table, but Luke used to throw them back, saying that he liked to unravel them himself. Tom puts off the red light, and Luke immediately starts to unravel one of the skipping ropes on the table.

Within seconds the skipping rope is up in the air, spinning round ever so fast, then out of the circle it goes, over Kath’s head to the back wall. We see a wheel of light now as Luke spins the rope faster and faster, the circle getting bigger and bigger, until we have a near floor to ceiling wheel of light.

The spinning skipping rope slows down, then comes back into the circle just above Kath’s head and drops to the floor. Another rope now moves on the table, Emma now tells us that her hands are being tied with this rope. Seconds later the other end of the rope that is tied to Emma’s hands begins to spin in the air just in front of her - Luke manages to spin these rope handles ever so fast in the darkness, although very close to sitters, it is very rare that Luke actually touches them with the handles.

The third rope is now being unravelled by Luke, and this one also is being tied to Emma. Emma is then pulled across the table by Luke, and as she lays over the table Luke starts to spin the ropes again, just above her head. “Oh, I don’t know where I’m supposed to be going now.” says Joanna as she too is pulled towards the table by Luke.

At this point Helen tells us that her hair has been touched, and that her glasses have been taken from her face - “Where are my glasses Luke?” asks Helen. “They’re on my head.” says Joanna [laughter]. [Luke had taken the glasses from Helen and put them on Joanna’s face]

Helen now has a rope around her neck - “Don’t pull too tight Luke.” says Helen jokingly [laughter]. Luke takes the ropes from Helen and Joanna, but Emma is still leant over the circle table - Tom is now pulled over the table by Luke, and his head is now resting on the table-top. Luke now takes Emma’s hand and places it on Tom’s head.

Luke now takes Vincent’s hand and ties a skipping rope to it, then Kath’s hand is also tied. We ask for the red light, and all sitters laugh when we see various hands tied together, and Tom, head down on the table being blessed by his mum Emma, and Joanna sat looking across the circle with Helen’s glasses on her face. Photos are taken then the light is put off.

Luke now takes the skipping ropes from sitters who are tied, then he communicates through the table - “Ribbon.” says Luke. “How many?” I ask. “One.” says Luke. Tom puts on the light, the table begins to rock, I bring in the ribbon and place it on the rocking table. Tom puts off the light and there is silence for a few moments - Kath asks “Who’s hand has Luke got?” “Mine.” says Joanna.

Joanna then goes on to describe how Luke is tying the ribbon in a bow on her wrist. Seconds later we hear a kiss being blown, Joanna tells us that her hand has just been kissed (by Luke). “Is that a present Luke?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. “Thank you.” says Joanna. Moments later Luke communicates the letter ‘B’ through the table. “Is that ‘Bye’?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke. “God Bless you Luke, bye.” say sitters as Luke leaves us.

Our next communicator comes to the table, it is Freddie (Doris’ Husband in Spirit) and after we welcome him, he communicates the letters ‘P’ and ‘A’ through the table. “Paper and pencil?” I ask. “Yes.” says Freddie. The red light is put on and I bring in the A4 paper and pencil and place them on the table. Tom checks the paper both sides and then he puts off the light.

Freddie picks up the pencil and after positioning the paper he begins to write. One minute and forty seconds later Freddie puts the pencil down on the paper. “Are you done?” I ask. “Yes.” says Freddie. “May we look?” I ask. “Yes.” says Freddie.

[Before I continue with Freddie’s message I must point out that, the previous week Doris was returning from her visit abroad, and there was a problem with the plane she was on, not being able to land safely, and it had to hold in the skies above the airport for over forty minutes until safe to land in the foggy conditions. Doris was obviously concerned, but before she went away Freddie had told her in a previous message that she would be safe on her travels. So, whilst on the plane, not knowing whether she would land safely or not, Doris said a few prayers, and in these prayers she said to Freddie ‘If I am coming over to Spirit, the first thing we are going to do is have a row.]

This is Freddie’s message to Doris: “My Beloved, I told you that you would be safe. I was sat next to you [Doris confirms that there was an empty seat next to hers on the plane]. I wasn’t ready for my telling off. [Doris only told us about her prayers on the plane after reading this bit of the message] But at least it was a good few days [Doris tells us that the working trip went well]. Love you, Freddie xxxx.” [laughter from sitters after Doris explains about the relevance of Freddie’s message]

Freddie now communicates the letter ‘B’ through the table. “Is that ‘bye’?” I ask. “Yes says Freddie. “Bye.” say sitters. “Bye bye darling.” says Doris as Freddie leaves the table.

We welcome Red cloud back to the table, and when asked, Red Cloud has nothing to say. All sitters give thanks for the closeness of Spirit family this evening.

The circle is then closed in Prayer by Doris.

Duration of sitting: One hour and thirteen minutes.

Terry Nelson.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - some were taken with a normal flash camera, and some were taken with a red light torch and digi-camcorder (snapshot feature).

Red Cloud asks for the healing hoops,
then puts them over sitter's
(Kath, Helen, Vincent and Emma)
heads for healing purposes.

Our daughter Joanna (left of picture) has the
healing hoop put over her by Red Cloud.

Red light photo of the hoop over
Joanna's shoulder.

 Red light photo of the healing
hoop over Joanna.

Red Cloud places the hoops over sitter's
hands after giving healing to many.

Red light photo taken at the same time
as normal flash photo of hoops
over sitter's hands.

Red Cloud has finished with the hoops
and places them on sitter's hands.

Our daughters Joanna (left - silver trumpet)
and Emma (right - gold trumpet) have
their hands put inside the trumpets by
their Grandfather 'Dick'. They are then
guided over to Mary and are wrapped
around her neck by Dick.

Red light photo of the trumpets on Mary's neck.

Red light photo of the trumpet on Emma's hand.

Dick (Kath's Father in Spirit) asks for
seven trumpets, he then puts them on
sitters hands in the darkness, and
then puts Kath's fingers in the end of two.

 Red light photo of the trumpet on Kath's finger.

Mary, Helen and Kath with the trumpets
put on them by Dick - they are
then put in this position by Dick.

Red light photo of the trumpet on Mary's arm.

Red light photo of trumpet on sitter's arm.

Spirit tilt the table over to this position,
and hold it there whilst photo is taken.  

Helen's Father in Spirit 'George' puts the
table over her head, and begins to sway
her from side to side with the red light on. 

Red light photo of Helen inside the table.

 This red light photo was taken, but
could not be matched to phenomena
occurring at that time. We put this
to Red Cloud, and he confirms that
face looking up towards left,
is Spirit. [see ringed photo] 

Spirit face captured in Red light -
confirmed by Red Cloud. 

Helen's Father in Spirit 'George' grabs
several sitters hands and places them
on top of each other on the table -
he then communicates 'Good Healing'
through the table. 

 Red light photo of hands clasped
over table by George.

Spirit child 'Luke' ties sitters hands with
the skipping ropes. He then pulls Tom
over the table and puts is Mum
'Emma's hand on his head.

 Tom (centre) is still laid over the table.
Mary (centre) laughs with Joanna (left)
who is wearing Helen's glasses - taken
from Helen and put on Joanna by Luke.


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