Rainbow Home Circle - Tuesday September 2nd 2014.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
Doris Forster.
Pam Allinson.
Anne Murray.
Alison Sherwood.
Annabelle Smith.
Jonina Firth.

It was a very emotional evening in our home circle tonight, Annabelle and her Mum Jonina, having just lost their Brother/Son (Richard) to Spirit, decided to visit the circle hoping perhaps for some assurance that he was safe and well in the Spirit world. Richard, along with Millie (Annabelle’s Daughter in Spirit) came forward with messages for their loved ones - Our thanks to Red Cloud and the Spirit team for making this happen.

The circle was opened this evening with a Prayer by Pam - the table rocking ever so fast as the Prayer was being said. “Good evening Red cloud.” say sitters as Red Cloud lifts the table high in the centre of the circle. “Welcome…everyone.” says Red Cloud.

Red Cloud then moves the table across to Jonina - “Long time (since her last visit).” says Red Cloud to Jonina. Red Cloud then says “Drum, then hoops.” Tom puts on the red light and Pam brings in the shamanic drum and beater and places them on the table that is rocking gently in the centre of the circle. As soon as the light goes off Red Cloud has the beater in his hand, and he immediately starts to beat on the drum as he lifts it up in the air.

We watch (luminous tabs on drum and beater) as the drum now moves out of the circle over Anne’s head to the back wall. The beat gets faster now as Red cloud brings the drum back into the circle and places it near Anne - “Thank you Red Cloud.” says Anne. The drum now moves across to Pam, the tone of the beat changes slightly. Seconds later the drum is over to Annabelle, and the beat changes. From Annabelle over to Doris, and Red Cloud is now beating on the top and side of the drum. The drum now moves across to Tom, and almost instantly moves back to Doris, all the while with a constant beat by Red Cloud.

Red Cloud now puts the drum down on the table and touches sitters hands with the beater. Moments later the drum and beater are back up in the air and out of the circle again. As Red Cloud brings the drum back in, he this time puts it on Kath’s upper body, and the beat gets faster and faster. From Kath the drum moves back to the table. Once more Red Cloud touches sitters hands with the beater, then we hear the beat ‘Dum dum du du dum…dum dum’ on the drum - this is Red Cloud’s signal that he has finished with the drum healing.

Tom puts on the red light and the drum and beater are removed from the table. I (Terry) now bring in the three hoola hoops and place them on sitters hands that are resting on the edge of the table, that again is rocking in the red light. As the light goes off all three hoops rise up from the table and begin to shake and vibrate. One of the hoops is now put over Alison by Red Cloud, and the second hoop is then put over Pam and Jonina. The third hoop is now put over Doris and Tom. The hoops then begin to shake and vibrate whilst resting on these sitters shoulders.

Red Cloud’s hand is now stroking various sitters hands - “That’s beautiful.” says Pam as her hand is stroked by Red Cloud. One of the hoops is now taken from a sitter and it is placed over Annabelle and Kath’s heads and comes to rest on their shoulders. We now ask if we may put on the red light to look - “Yes.” says Red Cloud. Tom puts on the red light and photos are taken of the hoops over Annabelle, Kath, Pam and Jonina - the table is rocking as photos are taken.

As Tom puts off the red light two of the hoops are now taken and put over Doris by Red Cloud, they then begin to vibrate again. Another hoop is then put over Alison. We again ask for the red light, and again we take photos, this time of the hoops over Doris and Alison. As the light goes off Red Cloud nudges the table - this indicates to us that the healing is finished and we should remove the hoops from the circle, which I do. As the light goes off Red Cloud communicates ‘Bye’ through the table - “God Bless, bye.” says sitters as Red Cloud leaves us till end of sitting.

“Hiya Dad, is Mum with you?” asks Kath as Dick comes to the table - “Yes.” says Dick. Dick then says “Hello ladies.” as he moves around the circle with the table. “Hello Dick.” say sitters. Dick then communicates a personal message through the table for our Son Adam and his FiancĂ©e Nicola. Kath fully understands the message, which we pass on later in the evening. Dick now communicates ‘Me…’ through the table - I interrupt with “Is that megaphones?” Yes.” says Dick. “Two?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. Tom puts on the red light torch and I bring in the two megaphones and place them on the table.

Tom turns off the light and straight away the megaphones are up in the air, they separate as one hovers above the table and the other one moves out of the circle over Anne’s head to the back wall. This megaphone taps the wall a couple of times, then begins to mimic the movements of the one still hovering above our heads, both now conducting to the background music. Both megaphones are now together just above our heads, one then moves over and taps Anne on the head, then rubs her head. 

The megaphones are now dancing in the air above us, and we now see the ‘gyro’ effect as they spin round and round, inter-twining with each other as they do so. One megaphone is now over to Alison, tapping her hand, then pushing itself onto her hand. Alison is then pulled over the table by Dicks grip on the outside of the megaphone. The other megaphone is now over to Pam, and her hand is now inside it. Pam too, is now pulled over the table until her hand, inside the megaphone, is resting on Alison’s hand that is inside the other megaphone.

Anne now tells us that a female hand is touching her hand and knee. Kath tells us that her hand has been lifted up by a female hand and placed on Anne’s hand. Alison (still with her arm inside the megaphone, now tells us that her jumper sleeve is being tugged. We are allowed the red light to look and to take photos of Alison and Pam with the megaphones on their arms, Alison still leant across the table with her arm stretched across to Annabelle, and Pam’s arm, still inside the megaphone, resting on Alison with Kath and Anne’s hands resting on her megaphoned arm.

As the light goes off the megaphones are taken from Alison and Pam. One is immediately put on Doris’ arm, the other taps Alison on the head [laughter]. Moments later we hear a female voice (that we assume to be Kath’s Mum Mary) say ‘Hello’ down the megaphone that has just tapped Alison on the head - “Hello.” say sitters. We then hear the female voice say ’You’re all mad’ down the megaphone as sitters are laughing and giggling [laughter]. “We are.” say sitters [more laughter].

We have now confirmed that it is Mary’s voice down the megaphone, and Mary speaks once again, but it is very muffled. We ask Mary if she would repeat what was said - “Nothing like a Mother’s love.” says Mary down the megaphone as she takes it over to Annabelle’s Mum Jonina and strokes her on the arm as if to comfort her. Seconds later the megaphone is over to Anne and she gets a tap on the head [laughter]. 

Both megaphones are now up in the air again, conducting to the background music, one then goes out of the circle to the back wall and taps on the picture of Red cloud that is hanging there. This megaphone then moves across to the door and taps on the wall next to the door. Both megaphones are now together again just above our heads, then, one of them is thrown out of the circle between Alison and myself, but it catches Alison.

Mary immediately says sorry to Alison through the table - “Weren’t you aiming at Alison?” Ask Kath. “No.” says Mary. “They must have been aiming at me then.” say I jokingly as I am sat next to Alison [laughter]. “My Mother never did have a good throw.” says Kath. “No (I didn’t).” says Mary with a wave of the megaphone [laughter].  Moments later the table nudges me, and communicates ‘Bye’ - “Is this Dick (that is leaving us)?” I ask. “No.” is the reply - it is Mary.

The spare table now begins to stir in the corner behind Kath and Annabelle - within seconds the table is moving into the circle between them, it turns upside-down on the way in and ends up on top of the circle table. Both tables now rise up off the floor by about four to five feet, our hands just touching the edges as they rise, they then drop slowly back to the floor. Dick now communicates through the table, firstly the letter ‘D’ - “Is that drum?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. Dick then communicates the letters ‘T’ and ‘A’ through the table - “Tambourine?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick.

Tom puts on the red light and I bring in the small drum, drumsticks and tambourine and place them on the upturned spare table-top - the moment the light goes off Dick picks up the drumsticks and starts to beat on the small drum. The tambourine is up now, and shaking in the air. Moments later the small drum is picked up by the string that is tied to it - Dick then starts to spin the drum round very fast just above our heads for a few moments before putting it on Anne’s head. Dick then picks up the drumsticks and beats on the drum whilst it is on Anne’s head.

“That is fantastic!” says Anne. Dick now takes the tambourine over to Tom and places it on his head. We are allowed to put on the red light again and take photos of the drum and tambourine adorning Anne and Tom [laughter]. Dick now asks us to remove the toys, this we do and then the light is put off. The spare table now moves away from the circle table and back out of the circle between Annabelle and Kath to its original position behind them - “Unbelievable!” says Anne. Dick now communicates ‘Bye’ through the table. “God Bless, bye.” say sitters as Dick leaves us.

Our next communicator to the table is young Luke - “Good evening Luke says sitters. “Hello.” says Luke through the table. Luke then says “Can I have drumsticks and laggy (elastic) bands?” “Of course you can.” say I as Tom puts on the red light. Kath then asks Luke how many elastic bands he would like, and then Kath counts as Luke tilts the table five times to signify he would like five. I have exactly five elastic bands on the window sill oddly enough, so I bring them in along with the drumsticks, and place them on the table.

All goes quiet for a few moments, we then hear Luke messing with the elastic bands. Luke then puts a drumstick in Tom’s hand, Pam, sat opposite Tom, then has a drumstick put in her hand. We now realize just what Luke is doing, in a previous sitting he had made a catapult from the drumsticks and elastic bands, and tonight he was doing the same. Luke had joined the five elastic bands together by looping them through each other, he now puts one end over the drumstick in Tom’s hand, and then stretches the bands over and loops the other end over the drumstick in Pam’s hand.

Luke now asks us for the two small footballs (about five inch in diameter) which I bring in and place on the table. Luke now picks up one of the balls, places it next to the elastic band, pulls it back like you would a catapult, then lets it go. The ball flies over towards Alison, but there is not a lot of power in the shot and it falls short. Luke repeats this with the other ball, again not very powerful, but it goes a little further.  “Oh boy.” say sitters as the balls fly. “You clever boy.” says Anne.

Luke now takes the elastic bands from the drumsticks, he then pulls Tom’s hand forward towards the table and ties the elastic to his wrist. Luke then pulls Alison’s hand over to the table before taking Doris’ hand and tying the other end of the elastic to her wrist. Luke then puts Doris’ tied hand on top of Tom’s hand, he then puts a drumstick between Alison’s fingers. We put on the red light to look [Laughter], and then take photos of Luke’s handy work.

As the red light goes off Luke takes the elastic bands from Doris and Tom, but that’s not all, he then takes Doris’ watch from her wrist. Seconds later Pam tells us that her hand has been grabbed, she thinks that Luke is putting the elastic on her wrist, but he is in fact, putting Doris’ watch on her wrist instead [laughter]. “That’ll teach you Doris (to take your watch off).” says Kath jokingly [laughter]. “Would you like Doris to have it back Luke?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. Pam gives Doris her watch back, then Luke says ‘Bye’ through the table. “God Bless you Luke, bye.” say sitters.

Our next communicator to come to the table is Annabelle’s Daughter in Spirit ‘Millie’. As we welcome Millie to the circle she takes the table over and onto Annabelle’s knee (for a cuddle). From Annabelle the table is seen to move across the circle to Jonina (Millie’s Nana), again to greet her and perhaps give her a cuddle. The table is now up in the air, and then back on the floor in the centre of the circle. Anne now tells us that she feels a hand touching hers - then Annabelle tells us that two hands are touching her. 

Millie now communicates ‘Small’ through the table. “Small trumpet? I ask. “Yes.” says Millie. The red light is put on, I bring in the trumpet and place it on the table that is rocking gently in the centre of the circle. As the light goes off the trumpet rises up from the table, and moves out of the circle over Kath’s head - “Have you been practicing?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Millie with a nod of the trumpet.

Millie now brings the trumpet back into the circle, it is hovering at head height, then, “Mummy, Becky looked good.” says Millie down the trumpet. “In the picture?” Asks Annabelle. “Yes.” says Millie with a nod of the trumpet. The trumpet is now out of the circle again, hovering just behind Kath and Anne, Millie speaks down the trumpet again, but we do not hear what she has said. “Sorry, I didn’t get that.” says Kath. “Will you say it again?” asks Annabelle. 

“Richard (Annabelle’s Brother in Spirit) is coming soon.” says Millie down the trumpet. “To the circle?” I ask, but Millie does not answer, instead she says ‘Dickie‘.” Annabelle then says “Is he (Richard) not ready yet?” “No.” says Millie with a sideways nod of the trumpet. “Is he coming (to the circle) tonight?” Asks Kath. “Yes.” says Millie with a nod of the trumpet. “Is he already here?” Asks Kath. “Yes.” says Millie, again with a nod of the trumpet. Millie then says down the trumpet “Near Nana.” “He’s near his Mum (Jonina)?” asks Pam. “Yes.” says Millie with a nod of the trumpet.

Moments later Millie starts to tap the table-top with the trumpet, we realize after a few seconds that she is actually tapping out the tune to the ‘Conga’ so we all join in to raise the energies. After about a minute Millie stops tapping on the table and throws the trumpet out of the circle between Alison and myself. “Bye.” says Millie through the table - “Bye, God Bless sweetheart.” says Annabelle.

As our next communicator comes to the table, I sense that it is Richard, but say nothing until we have a name. The table is a lot slower in response to my going through the alphabet - this is always an indication to us that we have a ‘new’ energy on the table. Our communicator spells out the letters ‘R’ and ‘I’ - “It’s you Big Boy (Annabelle’s affectionate term for her brother Richard) isn’t it?” asks Annabelle. “Yes.” is the reply from the table.

The table now moves across the circle to Annabelle - “I can feel him (His energy).” says Annabelle. The table now moves across the circle to Jonina - Annabelle then explains to her Mum that he (Richard) is giving her a hug with the table. Moments later Richard puts the table back in the centre of the circle and communicates the letters ‘P’ and ‘E’ - “Is this pencil and paper Richard?” I ask. “Yes.” says Richard. “To make it easier for you, with not being used to the table?” Asks Kath. “Yes.” says Richard.

Tom puts on the red light and I bring in the A4 paper and pencil and place them on the table. The paper is checked on both sides, and then the light is put off. At this point Richard communicates again through the table - he actually wants two pieces of paper, so on goes the light again and I repeat the procedure of bringing in A4 paper and checking both sides to make sure they are blank - off goes the light, and we sit, and watch.

Richard now passes one of the pieces of paper to Anne (we assume to keep separate from the one he is going to write on). Richard then begins to write on the piece still on the table. Over two minutes pass, and then Richard puts the pencil down on the paper, and I ask if we may look at what he has written. “Yes.” says Richard through the table. The message was a very personal one to Richard’s Mum Jonina, which for obvious reasons I will not repeat here - it ends with ‘Love you always xxx’.

“Is he happy?” Asks Jonina - “Are you happy?” asks Annabelle. “Yes.” says Richard. I put the message to one side for safe keeping till end of sitting - the piece of paper that Richard gave to Anne is then put on the table and the light is put off. Richard now writes on this piece for over two and a half minutes, then places the pencil on the paper. We put on the light, again to read what he has written, this time it was a personal message for Annabelle, which again, I will not repeat, this message ends with ‘Love you, Richard xxx.’

We turn off the light and Annabelle asks “Who are you with?” Richard replies with “Millie and Great Po…”, but is unable to finish the sentence as his energy is fading fast. Kath realizes this, so we say ‘Bye’ as Richard leaves us.

Our next communicator to the table is Alison’s Great Uncle in Spirit ‘William’ - “Hello William.” say sitters. “Do you want pencil and paper…to save you having to ask us?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says William. Tom puts on the red light, the table begins to rock as I bring in the A4 paper and pencil and place them on the table. William picks up the pencil and begins to write - one minute later the pencil is put down on the paper. We put on the light and read William’s message to Alison - again a personal message, fully understood by Alison - it ends with ‘Love you‘. “Love you too William.” says Alison. “Bye.” says William through the table. “Thank you, bye William.” says Alison as William leaves us.

“Good evening Freddie.” say sitters as Doris’ Husband in Spirit ‘Freddie’ comes to the table. I then ask Freddie if he too, would like pencil and paper - “Yes.” says Freddie. On goes the light, and in comes the A4 paper, the pencil is still on the table from William’s visit - both sides of the paper are checked and then the light is put off. Two minutes pass, and then Freddie places the pencil on the paper - “May we look?” I ask. “Yes.” says Freddie.

Freddie’s message to Doris reads: “My Beloved, I said I am keeping an eye on you. You have been doing too much. Be careful on your travels. Take it easy. Love you.” “Oh thank you.” says Doris. “Bye.” say Freddie through the table. “Bye, God Bless.” says Doris as Freddie leaves the table.

We now welcome Red Cloud back to the table, it has been a very emotional evening and the energies are now very weak. Red Cloud has nothing to say and wishes us to close the circle - “Have the energies gone?” Asks Kath. “Yes.” says Red Cloud.

We thank Red Cloud for this evening filled with Love, and then the circle is closed in Prayer by Doris.

Duration of sitting: One hour and fourteen minutes.

Terry Nelson.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - some were taken with a normal flash camera, and some were taken with the red light torch and digi-camcorder (snapshot feature).

Annabelle and Kath receive healing with the
hoop, put over them by Red Cloud.

Red light photo taken during the hoop healing.

Pam (left) and Jonina (in blue) with the
healing hoop over them - put
there by Red Cloud.

Doris (off picture left) with the healing
hoops - put over her by Red Cloud.

Red light photo taken during hoop healing.

 Another red light photo taken
during hoop healing.

 Alison (right) has a trumpet put on her arm
by Kath's Father in Spirit 'Dick', and is
then pulled across the table by Dick. The
gold trumpet was put on Pam's arm, also
by Dick. Sitters hands were then placed
on the gold trumpet by Dick.

Red light photo of the trumpet on Alison's arm.

Red light photo of sitters hands on
top of gold trumpet.

Red light photo taken whilst trumpets were
on Alison and Pam's arms.

 Anne (centre) with the toy drum on her
head, put there by Dick.

Spirit child 'Luke' pulls Alison's hand over
the table, then he puts the drumstick
between her fingers.

Red light photo, taken whilst sitters hands
were resting on the table during Luke's visit.

Red light photo taken of Doris' watch whilst
it was on Pam's hand, put there by Luke.


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