Rainbow Home Circle - Saturday 23rd August 2014.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
Emma Kenny.
Reece Kenny.
Mike Ganley.
Jojan Ganley.
Julie Smith (Guest).
Lisa Holland (Guest).
Ian Holland (Guest).
Ali ? (Guest).

Our thanks to Julie, Lisa, Ian and Ali for joining us this evening in our home circle, for what was another wonderful sitting with Red Cloud and our Spirit team. We ask for nothing but to sit in this wonderful space with Spirit, but receive so much - the Love that pours from the Spirit world is palpable in every sitting - Thank you Red Cloud for guiding us throughout.

All communication with Spirit this evening was via the table (with the occasional nod of the trumpet).

The circle was opened this evening with a Prayer by me (Terry), the table was on the move as the Prayer was being said, up and over to guest sitter Lisa, and then back to the centre of the circle. The table now turns upside-down, levitates to a position just above our heads, then back to the floor the right way up.

Our first communicator, as always, is Red cloud - we welcome Red Cloud to the circle, and he says “Welcome everyone…Hello Julie.” “Oh, hello Red Cloud.” says Julie as the table moves across and onto her knee. “Oh thank you Red Cloud, it’s lovely to be here again.” says Julie. Moments later the table is back to the centre of the circle; it now moves closer to me and guest sitter Ali. Red cloud then communicates a very personal message to Ali, and at the end of the message Ali is asked to put his hand, palm upwards, on the table. 

There is a now a few moments of silence - Kath asks Ali to describe what is happening…Ali then says “Thank you, they’ve just put a card between my fingers.” “Can we look?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Red Cloud. We put on the red light to find that Ali has received an apport of an Angel card, which reads: ‘Peace, encouragement, Awareness, Commitment - Empowerment’. Ali thanks Red cloud for his gift, Red Cloud then gives Ali another personal message - “Thank you, God Bless you.” says Ali.

The “Drum.” asks Red Cloud - Tom puts on the red light and the shamanic drum and beater are brought in and placed on the table, which is rocking wildly until the drum is placed on it. The light is put off and the beater rises up from the drum. As Red cloud starts to beat, the drum rises up also, and both are seen to move out of the circle over Jojan and Lisa’s head to the back wall. The drum and beater now slowly drop down to just above floor level, all the while Red cloud continues with the rhythmic beat.

The drum and beater now rise up from the floor, back into the circle over Jojan’s head, they stop and rest on Jojan’s head as the beat continues. Seconds later the drum and beater are back on the circle table; the drum moves round the circle of hands, resting for a few seconds with each sitter before moving on to the next - first Ian and then myself, then over to Julie. As the drum reaches Julie it begins to turn round and round while Red cloud is beating it.

The tone of the drum now changes, and we realize that Red Cloud is now beating it with his open hand - “Amazing!” says Julie. As Red cloud continues to beat the drum with his hand we see the beater also drumming, but on the table. We now hear dum dum du dum dum…dum dum [laughter] on the drum, this signifies to us that Red Cloud has finished. “Have you had enough of that?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Red cloud.

We put on the red light to remove the drum and beater, the table begins to rock again whilst the drum is being removed - Kath asks if we should put the hoops on the table whilst the light is on, “Yes.” says Red Cloud. We ask how many hoops Red Cloud would like and he settles for all three. The two full sized hoola hoops and the smaller hoop are placed on top of sitters hands that are resting on the table and then the light is put off.

All three hoops now rise up from our hands and come to rest in a vertical position over the table - within seconds one hoop is over Ali and Julie, then one is over Ian and Reece. There is lots of laughter within the circle as the hoops now begin to shake whilst resting on their shoulders. Julie now tells us that someone is rubbing her left arm - “Where is your hand Mike?” asks Kath jokingly as Mike is seated to Julie’s left, but Mike is not the one touching her.

The hoops are now shaking and vibrating even faster now - one is now spinning over the table top. Moments later we ask if we may put on the light to look - “Yes.” says Red cloud. The red light is put on and photos are taken of sitters inside the hoops, and as the light goes off the hoops are immediately lifted from one sitter and placed over another - we now have Reece and Ian inside the same hoop. Ian tells us that his hand is now being touched and that he is being pulled across the table. 

Lisa tells us the same, her hand is being guided over the table, Lisa then tells us her hand is being placed on another hand - Ian immediately tells us that it is his hand that Lisa’s has been placed on.
The hoops are now shaking and vibrating again - Lisa describes how her and Ian’s hands have now been clasped together and raised up above the table. Tom now tells us that the camera has been taken from his wrist, and I jokingly ask “Are you going to take a photo of us Red cloud?” It is at this point that Reece tells us that the camera has been placed in his hand. We ask if we may put on the light to look - “Yes.” says Red cloud.

As the light goes on we find Ian and Reece inside the hoop, Ian and Lisa’s hands are clasped and in the air above the table and Reece is sat with the camera on the table with its strap around his wrist. Photos are taken with the other camera and then the light is put off. Julie now tells us that she has been pulled over the table and that her hair is being stroked - immediately after this the hoops are taken from sitters and Red Cloud asks me to remove them from the table. Moments later Reece is pulled over the table and the camera is taken from his wrist and given back to Tom - “Bye.” says Red cloud. “God Bless, don’t come back too soon.” says Kath jokingly as Red Cloud leaves the table [laughter].

I ask if we have a new communicator, the table motions ‘yes’ then raises three feet off the floor as our fingertips touch its edge. The table stays in this position (levitating) for a couple of seconds so I ask for a name. The table (still levitating) communicates the letter ‘D’ - “Dick?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. The table now moves across the circle to where Julie is sat - “Oh hello Dick, its nice to meet you again.” says Julie as the table hovers near her. Moments later the table is back on the floor in the centre of the circle.

“Is Mum (Mary) here Dad?” Asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. “Just so I know.” says Kath. Dick then says “Energies amazing!” “Yyyesss!” shout sitters. Dick now communicates “Me…” through the table - I interrupt with “Megaphones?” “Yes.” says Dick. “Two?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. Tom puts on the red light and I bring in two large trumpets (megaphones) and place them on the now rocking table. As the light goes off one megaphone rises up off the table and glides across to Ali who is seated next to me. “Hello.” says Ali as the trumpet hovers in front of his face for a second before dropping gently down to his hand.

I ask Ali if the trumpet has been placed on his hand and he says ‘yes’. “Tell us what you experience and feel.” says Mike to Ali. As Ali describes to us what is happening with the trumpet on his hand…we hear air being blown down the trumpet - “Yes, air being blown down the trumpet.” says Ali. Ian now tells us that a trumpet has been placed on his hand, and that air is being blown down the end of it (audible to all). We then hear quite a rude raspy sound down Ian’s trumpet - “I’m not sure what end that came out of.” says Ian jokingly [laughter].

Both trumpets are off sitters hands now, as one hovers over the table the other one is out of the circle behind Lisa. As they both hover in the air, the one over the table begins to conduct to the background music, and the one out of the circle begins to copy its movements (mirror image effect). I comment on how beautifully Dick conducts to the music, many sitters agree, but Mike says nothing…suddenly he gets a tap on the head with a trumpet [laughter]. “Yes, you are a good conductor Dick.” says Mike [more laughter].

Lisa now has the attention of the trumpets - “Patting me round the head, on top of my head now, thank you.” says Lisa. Next we have Emma calling out “My arm is inside the trumpet.” We now hear kisses being blown down the trumpet on Emma’s arm - “Thank you Granddad (Dick).” says Emma. The trumpet on Emma’s arm now starts to turn round clockwise on her arm - “Thank you, love you.” says Emma.

Both trumpets are now up in the air above the table, and now we see the gyro effect as they spin round and round, inter-twining with each other as they do so, first in a clockwise motion and then an anti-clockwise motion - “Wow!” say sitters. One trumpet now goes over to Lisa and it taps her fingers, then her arm is inside the trumpet. Julie’s arm is now inside the other trumpet, and both her and Lisa describe how their hands are being squeezed by a very strong grip on their trumpets.

Both Julie and Lisa’s trumpeted hands are now pulled towards the centre of the table and raised slightly. We put on the red light to howls of laughter as we see both Julie and Lisa almost nose to nose over the table. As the photos are taken Ian says jokingly “Is there something you two aren’t telling me?” [laughter] “You should be so lucky.” says Kath jokingly [more laughter].

As the red light goes off both Julie and Lisa are pulled back into their respective chairs by Dick. Dick then pushes the trumpets even further up their arms and blows kisses down both trumpets - “Thank you so much.” say Julie and Lisa. Dick then says “More.” “More trumpets?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. “All seven?” I ask. ”Yes.” says Dick. Tom puts on the red light and I bring in five more trumpets and place them on the table.

Dick then picks up each trumpet in turn and places it on a sitters hand - first Ali, then Ian, then Dick puts a trumpet on my hand and pulls me over the table. Dick then puts a trumpet on Jojan’s hand and finally one on Kath’s hand. “Can we look?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. Tom puts on the red light - seven trumpets on seven hands, all leaning in towards the centre of the table. Tom takes photos of this and then the light is put off. Within seconds all trumpets are taken from sitters hands and are bunched together just above the table - “Like a bunch of flowers.” says one sitter.

Moments later the trumpets separate and one goes out of the circle again behind Lisa. We see the mirror image effect again as the one out of the circle copies the movements of the bunch still over the table. The lone trumpet comes back into the circle, and we can now see the trumpets being put inside of each other - first one, then two, then three, this goes on until all seven trumpets are now one extra large trumpet.

“Well done Dick.” say I as Dick now starts to shake and vibrate the trumpets to pack them more tightly together. We now hear a noise and realize that the spare table that is seated behind Mike and Kath, is on the move. Within seconds the spare table comes into the circle over Mike’s shoulder - it turns upside-down and seats itself on top of the circle table. Both tables now rise up off the floor for a few seconds, then drop slowly back down. As they touch the floor they move across the circle to Kath.

Dick now tilts both tables over to a near horizontal position, and we are allowed the red light on to witness this and to take photos. As the light goes off the tables rise back upright, the top table then turns the right way up and re-seats itself on the circle table with legs to table-top. The trumpets are then placed on top of the upper table by Dick. Tom now tells us that the camera has been taken from him, and that his hand is being guided up onto the top of the table, then it is placed inside the end of the trumpets that are sat on the table-top.

We are allowed to put on the red light, and when we do we find Tom’s arm stretched up on table-top, inside the bunch of trumpets [laughter]. Photos are taken and then the light is put off. Tom’s hand is now released from the trumpets - the top table now slides away from the circle table, and the circle table now turns upside-down and comes to rest on the floor. Dick now throws the trumpets out of the circle between Ian and myself - “You missed.” say I jokingly as one whizzes past my shoulder on the way out [laughter]. 

The spare table now glides back out of the circle between Mike and Kath, back to its original position in the corner of the room. The circle table, now back in an upright position, motions that Dick wishes to communicate - “Bye.” says Dick. “God bless, bye.” say sitters as Dick leaves us.
Our next communicator gives us the letter ‘L’ through the table - “Is this a young boy?” I ask. “Yes.” comes the reply. “Is it Luke?…yes it is.” says Julie as the table goes over to her for a cuddle. “Hello Luke, good to see you.” says Julie as the table rocks excitedly on her lap. Seconds later the table is back in the centre of the circle - “Mama Julie.” says Luke - “Awww.” says Julie and Lisa [laughter]. “I love you too.” says Julie.

“Do you remember her (Julie)?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. Luke then communicates the letter ‘R’ through the table - “Would that be ‘rope’?” I ask. Luke hesitates with his reply which usually means that there is more, so I say ‘Ropes?’ “Yes.” says Luke. “All three?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke. Tom puts on the red light and I bring in the three skipping ropes and place them on the table - the table is rocking quite fast all the while the light is on.

“All yours Luke.” say I as Tom puts off the light. Although we are now in darkness there is still lots we can see as all three skipping ropes have quite large luminous tabs on their handles, and give off quite a glow. We can now hear, and partially see one of the skipping ropes lift up off the table as Luke unravels the rope from the handles. Within seconds the rope is up in the air, the handles spinning round ever so fast, creating a wonderful wheel of light in the darkness - seconds later this rope is out of the circle behind Kath and Lisa, the circle of light getting bigger and bigger, until it is nearly floor to ceiling.

“Well done Luke!” says Julie as the spinning rope comes back into the centre of the circle. Jojan now tells us that the rope is being put around her neck - now we have one end of the skipping rope round Jojan, whilst the other end is spinning round ever so fast in front of her…so close, but not touching her. “It’s amazing isn’t it?” says Mike. “Very clever.” says Julie as her hand is now pulled over the table, as are other sitters hands and tied together with a skipping rope.

The red light is put on once again to find nearly all sitters trussed up with the skipping ropes over the table - Lisa and Ian’s hands had been pulled forward and placed upon each other whilst tied together, other sitters hands, also tied, were resting on the table. As the light goes off Julie tells us that her face is now being stroked - “Now he’s pulling my hair.” says Julie jokingly [laughter]. Once again the light is put on and photos are taken.

As the light goes off Luke takes the rope from around Jojan’s neck, he also takes the ropes from other sitters hands and puts them in Jojan’s lap. The circle table now moves away from the centre of the circle and ends up over on Kath.

The ropes are now taken from Jojan, and we can see them dancing just above floor level in the centre of the circle. The circle table is on the move again, and seconds later it is over on Tom’s lap, then up and over Tom’s head. Tom is now inside the table, and as we put on the red light to look, we find the skipping ropes all tied up round the table’s legs and Tom sat in the middle of it all [laughter]. Reece takes photos of Tom and the table, and as the light goes off the table rises up off Tom and comes to rest back in the centre of the circle.

Luke now communicates the letters ‘sm’ through the table - I interrupt with “Small drum?” “Yes.” says Luke. “Anything else?” I ask. Luke then tells us that he would like the trumpet and tambourine too. Tom puts on the red light and I bring in the requested toys for Luke and place them on the table. I ask if he would like the drumsticks too and he answers ‘yes’. The table is rocking quite fast, and I ask Luke to slow down so I may put the toys down on it - this he does.

As the light goes off Luke immediately picks up the tambourine and shakes it in the air above us. Moments later Lisa tells us that the tambourine has been placed on her head. We now see the drum rise up from the table, and within seconds Tom is telling us that it has been placed on his head [laughter]. The drumsticks are now moving on the table, they then begin to tap on the table-top. Moments later a drumstick moves over to guest sitter ‘Ali’ and taps his hand. Kath asks “Do you want him (Ali) to take it (the drumstick) Luke?” “Yes.” says Luke.

As Ali takes the drumstick from Luke and holds it out in front of him, Luke now begins to sword-fight with Ali, using the other drumstick [laughter]. Luke now takes the drumstick from Ali and gives it to Reece - Reece is now sword-fighting with Luke, using the drumsticks [more laughter]. The small plastic trumpet now lifts up off the table, and we watch as it glides out of the circle over Kath’s head to the back wall. We now hear Luke blowing on the trumpet before bringing it back into the circle and over to Ali.

“Hello, can you play?” asks Ali as the trumpet hovers just in front of his face. “Yes.” says Luke with a nod of the trumpet [laughter]. We can now hear Luke playing with the valves on the trumpet, and moments later we can hear Luke playing what can loosely be described as a tune as he blows down the mouthpiece [laughter]. The drumsticks are now tap tap tapping on the table again. Luke then takes the trumpet over to Lisa, and then over to Julie, and then out of the circle once more, playing a tune on it as he does so. Luke then brings the trumpet back into the circle, over to Ali, then over to Ian, then Luke drops the trumpet gently to the table.

“Do you want rid?” Asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. Tom puts on the red light for me to remove the toys - all sitters laugh out loud to see Lisa with a tambourine for a crown on her head, and Tom with the drum on his head - the table motions laughter also. Photos are taken and then the toys are removed from the circle before the light is put off. “Bye.” says Luke through the table. “Bye Luke.” say sitters as he leaves us.

Our next communicator comes to the table and gives us the letters ‘P’ and ‘R’, I assume, and am right in my assumption that it is Pretty Lucy. We welcome Lucy to the circle, and when asked if she had anything to say, Lucy gives us the letter ‘T’ through the table. “Is that ‘Trumpet’?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Lucy. I ask Lucy how many trumpets she would like, and suggest four - “Yes (four).” says Lucy. Lucy then gives us the letter ‘H’ through the table - Kath and I know from previous sittings that Lucy likes to use the small cardboard hoops with the trumpets - “Hoops?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Lucy.

As Tom puts on the red light the table begins to rock whilst I bring in four trumpets and four small hoops. I can only see two small trumpets in the dim red light - Kath asks Lucy if this will be ok…“Yes.“ says Lucy. I place them on the table and then Tom puts off the light. The hoops, like the trumpets, have luminous tabs on them, so we can see what Lucy is doing as she lifts up, first the trumpets, and then the hoops. Lucy then puts two hoops over each trumpet and puts a trumpet on Lisa, and then Julie’s hand. Lucy then tilts the trumpets so that the hoops transfer over to their hands.

Julie and Lisa now tell us that they can feel Lucy squeezing their hands through the trumpets, and that Lucy is doing something with the trumpet ends. We are allowed the red light to look, and find the trumpets attached at the thin end, still on Julie and Lisa’s hands, but resting on the table-top - the hoops resting on their wrists. Photos are taken - “She’s a clever girl, aren’t you Lucy?” says Julie as the light is put off.

Lucy communicates the letter ‘K’ through the table - “Keyboard?” I ask. “Yes.” says Lucy. “Just one (as we have two)?” I ask. “Yes.” says Lucy. Tom puts on the light and I bring in the keyboard and place it on the table which is again rocking. The light goes off, and for the next few minutes we sit and watch as Lucy picks the keyboard up from the table and plays various tunes on it whilst it is floating just above the table.

We all begin to laugh as Lucy continues with her barrage of different tunes, sometimes just playing one particular tune for a couple of seconds before moving on to the next. Lucy now plays the inbuilt tune ‘Oh Suzanna’ which we all sing along to. Lucy then plays a couple of bars of ’Jingle Bells’ and then straight back to ’Oh Suzanna’ [laughter]. The keyboard is floating in the air all the time Lucy is playing it.

Moments later Lucy brings the keyboard down and places it on Ali’s fingers that are on the edge of the table. Lucy then strokes Ali’s fingers - “Thank you Lucy, you have pretty hands.” says Ali. Lucy plays the keyboard again - we now have the tune ’Oh When The Saints’ which we all sing along to as Lucy takes the keyboard out of the circle behind Kath. Lucy gently puts the keyboard on the spare table (behind Kath and Mike) and changes the tune to ’Oh Suzanna’ once more.

As the music stops, Lucy communicates through the main circle table “Rib…” “Ribbons?” I ask. “Yes.” says Lucy. “How many?” I ask. “Two.” says Lucy. Tom puts on the light and I bring in two ribbons and place them on the table. Once the light is off Julie tells us that her hand has been taken and that a ribbon is being tied to her wrist in a bow. As Julie’s hand is placed back on the table by Lucy, Lisa tells us that her hand has now been taken, and that a ribbon is now being tied to her wrist - “Is it one hand or two (that is doing the tying)?” I ask Lisa. “Two (hands).” says Lisa. Lucy now taps Lisa’s hand to indicate that she has finished. Ian now tells us that his hand has been taken and that something has been placed in it - “Thank you.” says Ian.

Julie now tells us that her hand has had something placed in it - “Thank you.” says Julie. We put on the light to find that Julie and Ian had received apports of Angel cards from Lucy, and that both Julie and Lisa had ribbons tied in beautiful bows on their wrists by Lucy. “Thank you so much.” say sitters. As the light goes off Lucy say ‘Bye’ through the table - “Bye, thank you Lucy.” says Julie.

Our next communicator to the table gave us the name ‘Tracey’ - “Good evening, Is this our Tracey?” I ask (Tracey is Reece’s Mum, and Kath/Terry’s niece). “Yes.” says Tracey. The table moves across the circle to Reece for a cuddle, and then moves back to the centre of the circle. Tracey then communicates the letters ‘P’ and ‘E’ through the table - “Is this ‘pencil and paper’?” I ask. “Yes.” says Tracey. Tom puts on the red light and I bring in the A4 paper and pencil with luminous tab on its stem, and place them on the table. Tom checks both sides of the paper to make sure it is blank, the light is then put off.

For the next two minutes we sit and watch as the pencil moves across the paper - Tracey then puts the pencil down on the paper, this signifies to us that she has finished writing. “May we look?” I ask. “Yes.” says Tracey. Tom puts on the red light and we read Tracey’s message to her son Reece - “My beautiful Son, well done, I am glad you came here. I have a poem for you…another time. Remember, I am always with you…I am so proud. Love you always, Mum xxx.” I put the message to one side for safe keeping until I can laminate it at end of sitting for Reece.

“Thank you.” says Kath - I think that Tracey may have stayed longer, but at this point we had been sitting for an hour and twelve minutes, and it is around this time that the energies begin to wane. “Bye.” says Tracey. “God Bless you Tracey, bye.” say sitters as Tracey leaves us.

We welcome Red cloud back to the table, and when asked if he had anything he would like to say, he said “Amazing energies, come again.” to our guest sitters. “Thank you Red cloud.” say our guests. All sitters gave thanks to Red cloud and Spirit team for the very enjoyable evening that we all had. Red Cloud then asked us to close the circle.

The circle was closed with a Prayer by Kath.

Duration of sitting: One hour and seventeen minutes.

Terry Nelson.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - some were taken with a normal flash camera, and some were taken with the red light torch and digi-camcorder (snapshot feature).

Red Cloud puts the healing hoops around
Lisa, Reece and Ian's bodies.

 Red light photo of healing hoop around Lisa.

 Red light photo of healing hoop
resting on sitters hands.

 Red light photo of healing hoop
over sitters hands.

Guest sitter Julie with the healing hoop,
put round her by Red Cloud.

Red Cloud clasps Lisa and Ian's
hands together then raises them up.

Red light photo of sitters clasped hands.

Red light photo of the healing hoop
round Reece and Ian.

Dick (Kath's Father in Spirit) puts a trumpet
on Lisa and Julie's hands, then pulls them
both over the table to this position.

Red light photo of the trumpet on Julie's hand.

Red light photo of the trumpet on Lisa's hand.

Dick puts trumpets on seven sitters hands,
then positions them over the table. 

Red light photo of seven trumpeted
hands over the table. 

Dick brings in the spare table and puts
it upside-down on circle table, then
puts sitters hands on top of table legs. 

Dick places the spare table on top of the
circle table, then puts trumpets on top,
then puts Tom's hand inside the trumpets. 

Spirit child Luke uses the three skipping
ropes to tie up the sitters. 

 Red light photo of sitters hand tied with
skipping rope by Luke.

Sitters clasped hands are tied with the
skipping rope by Luke.

Spirit child Luke puts the circle table
over Tom's head.

 Spirit child Luke puts the tambourine
on Lisa's head.

 Red light photo of the tambourine on Lisa's head.

Spirit child 'Pretty Lucy' puts the hoops
and trumpets on Lisa and Julie's hands,
then joins the trumpets together,
then positions them over the table.

Spirit child 'Pretty Lucy' ties a ribbon
in a bow on Lisa's wrist.

 Spirit child 'Pretty Lucy' ties a ribbon
in a bow on Julie's wrist, then puts
an apport of an Angel card
in her other hand.


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