Rainbow Home Circle - Tuesday 9th September 2014.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
Doris Forster.
Alison Sherwood.
Pam Allinson.
Georgia (Pam’s Grand-daughter)
Philippa Slater.
Jake Bartle.
Charlie Bartle.
Jane Jackson.

Apart from Direct Voice - Kath’s Mum in Spirit ‘Mary’, all other communication with Spirit this evening was via the table.

Our thanks to our guests Georgia, Philippa, Jake, Charlie and Jane for coming along and sharing their energies this evening, thus creating a wonderful atmosphere for our Spirit friends to work in - An evening of Love, Laughter and undeniable proof of Life everlasting. Our thanks also to Red Cloud and the Spirit team for taking the time each and every week to come forward with this wonderful proof.

The circle was opened this evening with a Prayer by Tom - the table, already rocking steadily in the centre of the circle, then moves across to our guest Jane Jackson to welcome her. The table immediately moves back to the centre of the circle, then, up it goes, dancing in the air, over two feet off the floor. The dancing stops, but the table stays in mid-air - the table then communicates the letter ’R’. “Red Cloud?” I ask. “Yes. Says Red Cloud.

We welcome Red Cloud to the circle as the table drops slowly to the floor - “Welcome Everybody…Jane, do not be afraid, you are very safe.” says Red Cloud [This evening was Jane’s first sitting for Physical, and Jane also had a fear of the dark, but her wish to sit helped overcome her fear]. “Thank you.” says Jane. Red Cloud then communicates the letter ‘D’ - “Drum?” I ask. “Yes.” says Red Cloud.

As Tom puts on the red light torch the table begins to rock gently from side to side, this, we have noticed, seems to happen every time we put on the red light now, it’s as if our Spirit team are keeping the energies flowing whilst we bring in the requested items? The drum and beater are brought in and placed on the table, the table stops rocking to allow us to put it in place as it is rather a large and somewhat heavy drum.

The second the light goes off Red Cloud has the beater in his hand, it rises up and begins to beat on the drum. The drum is now up in the air, it slowly turns on its side and floats out of the circle over Kath and Charlie’s heads, all the while the drum is moving there is a rhythmic beat. The drum hovers in the air behind Charlie for a few seconds, then moves back into the circle over her head - “It’s on my head now.” says Charlie. The drum is indeed resting on Charlie’s head, still being beaten by Red Cloud - “He (Red Cloud) is giving you healing.” says Kath to Charlie.

Moments later the drum moves away from Charlie, and is back on the circle table. The drumbeat continues as Red Cloud now moves the drum around the table, resting on sitters’ fingers momentarily as it passes. The beat changes from slow to fast, and fast to slow as it moves from sitter to sitter, eventually coming to rest on the table, the drum beat changes to ‘dum dum du dum dum…dum dum. We know this to be Red Cloud’s way of telling us that he has finished - We thank Red Cloud for the healing, Tom then puts on the red light torch and the drum and beater are removed from the table.

“Do you want the hoops?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Red Cloud. Whilst the light is on I bring in the three hoops and place them over sitters’ hands that are resting on the table’s edge. The hoops are far larger that the table’s diameter, and it would be almost impossible for me to bring them in safely in the dark without hitting someone, but this is no problem for Red Cloud, as when the light is put off he manages to pick up the hoops one by one and place them over sitters’ heads without hitting eyes, noses etc.

One hoop is up and over Pam, Georgia and Alison’s heads, together they are inside the hoop. The second hoop is up and over Doris and Jane’s heads. The third hoop is up and over Philippa, Kath and Charlie’s heads now - all hoops now begin to shake and vibrate whilst resting on sitters shoulders.

Jane tells us that Red Cloud is ‘healing her neck’ as the hoop vibrates on her neck area (we were not aware that Jane had a bad neck) - “He (Red Cloud) always tends to find the right spot.” says Kath.
The hoop that is over Philippa, Kath and Charlie now begins to vibrate, and Philippa tells us that she can feel a hand behind her - Kath shows Philippa that it is not her hand that is touching her…it is Red Cloud’s. “Thank you Red Cloud.” says Philippa. We now ask for the red light so we may take photos of the hoops’ positions over sitters. The red light is put on and photos are taken - Jake, Tom and myself are the only ones without a hoop over them - “Oh, Jake, you and Tom must be healthy.” says Kath [laughter].

The table was rocking constantly throughout the picture taking, but stops when the light is put off - Red Cloud now lifts the hoops away from sitters, and all three are now in a vertical position over the table. They slowly rotate one full cycle over the table, vibrating as they do this, then, all three turn to a horizontal position and rise up towards the ceiling. The hoops then drop slowly back down and come to rest over near Alison and myself, one actually goes over Alison’s head to her shoulders, the other two rest on our hands, arms and chest area.

Again we are allowed the red light to photograph this [laughter as sitters see the hoops adorning Alison], which we do, then Kath asks if Red Cloud would like the hoops removing - “Yes.” says Red Cloud. We remove the hoops from the circle and then turn off the red light - “Bye.” says Red Cloud. “God Bless, bye.” say sitters as Red Cloud leaves the circle.

We know that 99% of the time, Dick will be our second communicator, but never take it for granted - it is Dick of course, but he has introduced himself, as it should be. “Hiya Dad, is Mum (Mary) here?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. Moments later the table is up in the air, possibly two feet off the floor, where it stays - “Are you wanting to communicate from there (in the air)?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. “Hello.” says Dick before dropping the table back to the floor - “Hello.” say sitters.

“Are you on good form tonight?” asks Doris. “Yes.” says Dick. Dick then says “Welcome newbies.” [laughter] “Thank you.” say sitters. Dick now communicates the letter ‘M’ through the table - “Megaphones (large trumpets)?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. “Do you want all three?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. Tom puts on the red light, the table begins to rock steadily again whilst I bring in the three trumpets and place them on the table. The table stops rocking as Tom turns off the light - “All yours Dick.” say I.

One trumpet is immediately whisked up into the air, and is conducting to the background music, then over to Jake it goes, tapping him before moving across to Charlie to tap her, then to Kath to tap her. The trumpet then moves right across the circle to where Doris is sat - “Hello.” says Doris as it hovers in front of her face, “Hello.” says Jane as it moves over to her face. There is laughter now as the trumpet taps Tom on the head. The second trumpet is now in the air with the first, then the third trumpet is up…all three just above our heads.

The trumpets separate, one stays within the circle whilst the other two fly out of the circle over Charlie’s head to the door area. We now see the ‘mirror image’ effect as the two on the outer copy the movements of the trumpet still hovering up above the table area. The two on the outer now come back into the circle, tapping Charlie on her back as they come back in. The trumpets drop back to the table, and we hear Dick scrunching one of the trumpets - “Hiya, he’s touching my arm, now he’s got my arm.” says Jake as Dick takes hold of him.

We can see the ends of the trumpets because of the luminous tabs on them, so have a fair idea of where they are at any given time. One is obviously with Jake now, and Jake tells us that it is being wrapped around his wrist (the trumpets are very pliable as the are only made of card), but just as Dick wraps it around Jake’s wrist, it unfolds itself and falls off. “My arm is inside a trumpet now.” says Alison. Philippa then tells us that the third trumpet is now on her arm. “Who’s got hold of the end of this trumpet?” asks Philippa. I tell Philippa that it must be Dick - “Sorry Dick.” says Philippa.

Jake tells us that Dick is now trying to knot the trumpet round his wrist, but again this does not seem to work, so Dick settles for putting the trumpet on Jake’s arm - “Change of plan.” says Kath. Jake’s trumpeted arm is now pulled over the table, and is tapped with another trumpet. Kath asks if we may put on the red light to look - “Yes.” says Dick. There is more laughter from sitters as Tom puts on the red light…Alison’s arm is inside a trumpet that is resting on the table. Philippa’s arm is stretched out in mid-air with Jake’s trumpeted arm resting on the trumpet on her arm. Tom and I take photos then the light is put off.

Jake’s arm is now raised high in the air by Dick, and moments later Philippa tells us that her arm is being squeezed from outside of the trumpet - Philippa begins to laugh as her fingers are now being squeezed also. Alison’s trumpeted arm is now pulled right across the table - “I’ve no idea where I’m going.” says Alison [laughter]. Dick now makes a peculiar sound down the trumpet on Alison’s arm - ’du du du du du’ is what it sounds like [laughter] - “Thank you very much.” says Alison. 

Dick is now back with Philippa, shaking her trumpeted arm up and down very fast - “Is it going as fast as it looks?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Philippa [laughter]. “Oh no!” says Alison as Dick now pulls her further across the table. We are allowed the red light again to see what has occurred - Alison is just about laid across the table, whilst Philippa has her trumpeted arm resting over her own shoulder. 

“Are you on sentry duty?” asks Kath jokingly [laughter]. Photos are taken, then the light is put off.
Sitters thank Dick as he takes the trumpets from their arms, then, up go two of the trumpets, in the air above us, conducting to the background music again. Out of the circle they go, to the back wall. They then come back into the circle, again tapping Charlie’s back on the way in, but this time stroking her face also. Moments later, as one of the trumpets hovers, we hear a female voice say ‘Hello’ down it - I return the greeting, then Kath says “God Bless.” “Is this Mary?” I ask. “Yes.” says Mary with a nod of the trumpet.

Mary speaks through the trumpet again, but this time we cannot make it out, so we ask if Mary will repeat what she said - “Welcome.” says Mary (somewhat clearer than the first time). Mary says something else, again it is not clear - “Can you speak up Mum?” asks Kath. Mary speaks again, and although it is still not clear, we can make it out…”Jake, stop worrying.” says Mary. “I take after my Mum.” says Jake. Moments later Georgia tells us that a trumpet has been put on her arm - “Now it’s squeezing my hand.” says Georgia. We now hear kisses being blown down the trumpet on Georgia’s arm - “Thank you.” says Georgia.

Georgia’s trumpeted arm is now up in the air and moving round in circles, controlled by Dick or Mary, but not sure which one - “Is your arm in there (the trumpet)?” Asks Kath as the trumpet is quite active in the air. “Yes.” says Georgia [laughter]. The trumpet is now taken from Georgia’s arm, and as it hovers in front of her we hear Mary say “Georgia…your idea…a good one.” down it. Kath asks Georgia if she knows what Mary is speaking about - Georgia thinks for a few moments, then realizes that she knows just what Mary was referring to…”That’s reassuring, thank you.” says Georgia.

The trumpets are now taken from sitters arms, one is thrown out of the circle in Alison and my direction. Moments later we hear the spare table (seated behind Philippa and Kath) begin to stir, and within seconds it is in the circle between Philippa and Kath. The table turns upside-down on its way in and ends up on the circle table - Kath warns sitters to remove their hands from the circle table until it is seated, so as not to get their fingers nipped.

All sitters now put their fingers on the upturned spare table-top, and seconds later both tables rise up in the air, where they dance around for a couple of seconds before slowly descending to the floor. Both tables now move across the floor to where Kath is sat, and Kath explains to sitters what she thinks that Dick is now going to do - “He may be going to tilt the tables over, so please put your fingers on the top, no thumbs underneath.” says Kath (this is so that when photos are taken, it doesn’t look like we are actually holding the tables in any way).”

Dick does what Kath had thought he would do (it was a simple deduction on Kath’s part as Dick performs this manoeuvre almost every time he has the two tables together in this way) - Both tables now tilt over to near horizontal position, then Tom puts on the red light so sitters can see that the tables are firmly stuck together even though they are on their side, just inches off the floor, stretched across the circle. We take photos of this phenomena, then the light is put off, and immediately the tables rise back up to a vertical position.

The spare table now moves away from the circle table, over onto Charlie’s lap. It then moves back to the circle table, but turns the right way up (legs facing down) as it approaches. We now have the spare table with its legs on the circle table-top, and it begins to dance on the circle table - “May we put on the light to watch?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. Tom puts on the red light and we watch as the spare table rocks to and fro on top of the circle table - Tom and I then take photos; Tom’s red light photo actually capturing the movement of the spare table with what looks like a double exposure of the shot.

As the light goes off the spare table moves off the circle table and back out of the circle between Philippa and Kath, to its original position in the corner behind them. “Bye.” says Dick through the circle table - “Bye Dad.” says Kath. “Bye Dick, Mary.” say sitters.

“Do we have a new communicator?” I ask. The table responds with a ‘yes’ and gives us the name ‘Mary’. “Is this still my Mum?” asks Kath. “No.” says Mary. I ask Mary if she has come to see someone in particular in the circle - “Yes.” says Mary. I ask Mary if she would like to take the table to that person - the table then moves across and onto Alison’s knee. “Hello Mary.” says Alison. “Do you know a ‘Mary’?” I ask Alison. “Yes…I do.” says Alison.

The table moves back to the centre of the circle - Mary then says to Alison “Listen to William, he naes (we ask Alison if this is a word - Scottish for ‘no’ so could be taken for ‘knows’) everything.” [laughter] “I know (he does).” says Alison [more laughter].
“Thank you for that…I appreciate it.” says Alison. “Bless you.” says Mary. “Thank you, thank you very much.” says Alison as Mary leaves the table.

Our next communicator to the table gives us the name ‘Albert’ - I welcome Albert to the circle and ask if he as come to see anyone in particular, “Yes.” says Albert. I then ask Albert if he would like to go to that person - Albert then takes the table across to our guest ‘Jane’. “Oh, hello, it’s Jane.” says Jane. “Do you know an Albert?” asks Kath. “I can’t think…no.” says Jane. “Will she find you if she looks?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Albert. “I will? I’m sorry, I can’t think who you are, but whoever you are…thank you.” says Jane. “It doesn’t matter, he’s just come to see you.” says Kath to Jane.

A few moments later Albert says “Look on Grand-Father’s side.” “Which side…Dad’s or Mum’s?” asks Jane. “Dad’s side?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Albert. Jane pauses for a few moments…then, “Yes! I know who you are…I do know, I do…I know.” says Jane [laughter from Albert through table]. Albert then says “Just don’t worry too much, it will be ok.” “Thank you, thank you.” says Jane. “Oh!” says Jane as the table gets close to her - “He (Albert) is just giving you a hug before he goes.” says Kath. “Thank you.” says Jane. “Bye.” says Albert. “God Bless, bye.” say sitters as Albert leaves us.

Our next communicator comes to the table and gives us the name ‘Robert’, we welcome Robert to the circle, and I again ask “Have you come to see anyone in particular, and if so, would you like to go to that person. Robert says “Yes.” and then takes the table across the circle towards Kath and Charlie - “He’s with me…Aunty Charlie.” says Charlie. [the table motions laughter]

“All my kids jump on her (Charlie’s) knee.” says Philippa (Robert is Philippa‘s son) [laughter]. “God Bless you Robert.” say sitters. Robert then communicates the letters ‘P’ and ‘E’ through the table - I interrupt with “Are you wanting pencil and paper?” “Yes.” says Robert. Tom puts on the red light, and at the same time the table begins to rock very fast - “You’re making my teeth rattle, calm down son.” says Kath jokingly to Robert.

I bring in the pencil and A4 paper, but before the light is put off Robert communicates that he would like two pieces (not one) of paper. Both pieces of paper are checked on both sides to show that they are blank, the pencil is then placed on top of the paper and the red light is switched off.

We now hear Robert pick up a piece of the paper, then Jake tells us that Robert has placed it in his hand - I tell Jake that perhaps Robert wants him to hold it whilst he writes on the other piece. As Robert picks up the pencil and begins to write, Jake tells us that he can see a hand over the table, then he can see the arm as well as the hand [the room, although blacked out and in darkness, has lots of luminosity from the tabs on the toys, table legs and of course the pencil that Robert is writing with]. Not all sitters see hands etc in the same instance as other sitters do, it all depends on your viewpoint, which way a luminous tab is directed for instance.

Doris now tells us that she can see fingers over the table, and at this point Robert puts the pencil down on the paper - “Have you finished with that one Robert?” I ask. “Yes.” says Robert. “May we look?” I ask. “Yes.” says Robert. Tom puts on the red light, and Kath reads Robert’s message, it is to his Mum Philippa: “Dear Mum, you are a very nice and kind person, don’t be taken advantage of. Auntie Charlie, glad you came, I am around you a lot, don’t do anything silly lol (laugh out loud). Love you, Robert.”

I then ask Robert if he is going to use the second piece of paper - “Yes.” says Robert. I take the first piece of paper and put it aside for laminating at the end of the sitting, then Jake puts the other piece on the table, and then Tom turns off the red light. Robert picks up the pencil and writes once more. Just over a minute later Robert puts the pencil down on the paper, and we put the light on once more to read Robert’s second message, this one is to his brother Jake: “Hiya Bro (brother), I see you a lot too. Don’t make hasty decisions. Stop worrying. Love you Bro.” “How old would Robert be?” asks Pam. “Twenty three.” says Philippa.

I put this piece of paper with the first on the window sill, and Tom then turns off the red light. Robert now communicates the letters ‘A’ and ‘C’ through the table - we are confused as to what these letters mean, then Kath says “Auntie Charlie?” “Yes.” says Robert (he was using abbreviation). Robert continues “Glad you made decision to come, hope you come again.” “Thank you.” says Charlie. Robert then says “Bro, you need to do some more reading.” “Oh, alright” says Jake. “Anything specific?” asks Kath. “Yes, about Spirit, we know you are very interested.” says Robert. “I am.” says Jake. “Bye.” says Robert. “God Bless, bye.” say sitters.

Our next communicator to the table is young Luke - “Good evening Luke.” say sitters. Luke then says “Hello Auntie Jane.” Kath explains to Jane that Luke calls all our lady visitors ‘Auntie’ - “Oh, me, hello.” says Jane. Luke now communicates the letter ‘R’ through the table - “Is that ‘ropes’?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke. “All three?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke. The table begins to rock as Tom puts on the red light. I bring in three skipping ropes and put them on the table. Tom turns off the light and Luke immediately starts to unravel one of the skipping ropes. Within seconds the rope is up in the air, spinning round in circles ever so fast. Straight out of the circle the rope goes, over Kath and Charlie’s heads, still spinning as it reaches the wall.

Luke continues to spin this rope for a few seconds, then back into the circle it comes, once again over Kath and Charlie’s heads. The rope stops spinning, and Philippa tells us that one end of it has been wrapped around her neck (not tightly of course), and the other end is now spinning again, right in front of Kath’s face. Philippa begins to laugh, and explains the reason for her laughter, Luke has now pulled her head down over the table - “Don’t laugh, you’ll encourage him (Luke).” says Kath jokingly [laughter].

Jake now tells us that the rope is around his neck, and seconds later Georgia tells us that her hand is being tied with the rope. Luke now unravels the second rope, and that one is now up in the air spinning round ever so fast just inches from Jake’s nose in the darkness. Tom now tells us that he has been pulled forward until his head is resting on the table. Jake tells us he too is being pulled forward, by his collar, to the table. “By your collar!” I ask [laughter]. “Yes. “ says Jake as his head finally comes to rest on the table.

“What is he (Luke) doing to you two boys?” asks Pam amusingly. Jake and Tom tell us that their heads are now being patted by Luke (this is audible to all) - “It sounds like he (Luke) is playing the drums.” says Kath jokingly [laughter]. We can now hear a very rhythmical beat being played on Jake and Tom’s heads by Luke - “Can we have a look please?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. Tom has a problem, being laid over the table he has trouble finding his torch, but manages it. The light is on, and photos are taken amid the laughter, Tom and Jake, heads resting on the table, Jake with a rope around his neck, and Georgia with a rope around her wrist.

The light goes off, and Luke now asks for the drum and tambourine - “Do you want Tom and Jake to stay there (with heads on table)?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. On with the red light, I then bring in the drum and tambourine and place them on the table next to Tom and Jake. As soon as The light goes off Luke picks up the drum from the table and puts it on Jake’s head. The tambourine is up in the air shaking also. “Wow, that’s some pressure on my head, it’s like he (Luke) is leaning over me.” says Jake. “Yes (I am).” says Luke with a nudge of the table.

Moments later we put on the red light again, and take photos of Tom and Jake, both still with their heads resting on the table - Jake with the drum on his head, and Tom now has the tambourine on his head [laughter].

As soon as the light goes off Luke goes about tidying up - within seconds the drum is off Jakes head, the tambourine is off Tom’s head and dropped to the floor, the ropes binding Georgia and Jake are untied. Tom is then pulled up by his collar and back into his seat, and Luke then says “Bye.” through the table. “God Bless you Luke.” say sitters as he leaves the table
We are now about an hour and ten minutes into the sitting - the music stopped at an hour, so from experience we now know that whoever comes forward at this time, won’t have long at the table because we seldom go over an hour and fifteen minutes. The reason for this is, because of the amount of energy used with non-stop communication and phenomena from our Spirit friends.

Our next communicator comes to the table - It is Freddie (Doris’ Husband in Spirit). Freddie immediately communicates the letter ‘P’ through the table - “Paper and pencil?” I ask. “Yes.” says Freddie. The table begins to rock as Tom puts on the red light, and I bring in the A4 paper and pencil with luminous tab on its stem, and place them on the table. Tom turns off the light, and Freddie then picks up the pencil and begins to write on the paper in the darkness. Just over a minute later, Freddie puts the pencil down on the paper and I ask if we may look at what he has written - “Yes.” says Freddie.

Tom puts on the red light torch and shines it on the paper - Freddie’s message to Doris reads: “My Beloved, I am pleased about ‘C’, hope she doesn’t change her mind. You (are) still a good cook. Love you xxx.” For the next couple of minutes Doris converses with Freddie through the table, and the ease at which the conversation flows between them…one can imagine that Freddie is actually there in person, and not in Spirit. Try as I might, these words do not do justice to what we experience…it is wonderful to be a part of it all.

I ask Freddie if I should leave the pencil on the table, and the reason for this, is because we have another chap in Spirit who always likes to pay us a visit at the end of a Tuesday sitting, and write a few lines for his Great-Niece Alison. “Yes (leave the pencil).” says Freddie. “Thank you very much for your help, Bless you.” says Doris as Freddie communicates ‘Bye‘ through the table - “Bye bye Darling.” says Doris.

Sure enough, our next communicator is William (Alison’s Great-Uncle in Spirit). We welcome William to the circle, and I then ask “Would you like some paper to go with the pencil William?” “Yes.” says William. Tom puts on the red light and I bring in another piece of A4 paper and put it on the table next to the pencil. Tom puts off the light, and we all sit and marvel at what we see - the pencil rises up and begins to write on the paper. Thirty seconds later, the pencil is placed down on the paper - “Are you done William?” I ask. “Yes.” says William. “May we look?” I ask. “Yes.” says William.

On goes the red light, and we read William’s message to Alison : “Wee Lassie, that took some doing…wee Mary coming (this was in reference to Mary‘s visit earlier on in the evening). That scotch broth was nice, (unknown to Kath and myself, Doris and Alison had dinner together at the weekend, we knew this part, but did not know that scotch broth was on the menu). I won’t mention the alcohol lol (laugh out loud). Bless you, William.” [laughter] “Thank you William.” says Alison. “Bye.” says William through the table. “God Bless, bye.” say sitters as William leaves the table.

We welcome Red Cloud back to the table - Red Cloud has nothing to say, and requests that we close the circle as the energies are very low. We thank Red Cloud for what can only be described as a wonderful and amazing evening with our Spirit friends and family.

The circle is closed with a Prayer by Doris, a Prayer of thanks for all that we have witnessed this evening.

Duration of sitting: One hour and sixteen minutes.

Terry Nelson.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - some were taken with a normal flash camera, and some were taken with the red light torch and digi-camcorder (snapshot feature).

The healing hoops are brought in at
Red Cloud's request - Red Cloud then
puts the hoop over Philippa,
Kath and Charlie.

Red light photo of the hoop over sitter
- put there by Red Cloud.

Red light photo of the hoop over
sitter - put there by Red Cloud.

Red light photo of the hoop, used by
Red Cloud for healing purposes.

Alison (front) with Pam and Georgia (rear),
all put inside the hoop by Red Cloud.

 Red Cloud puts the hoops in this position
just before they were removed from the table.

 Red light photo of the hoops over table.

Dick (Kath's Father in Spirit) puts the
trumpets on sitter's hands, then
puts them in this position.

 Red light photo of trumpet on sitter's hand.

 Red light photo of trumpet on sitter's hand.

 Dick puts the trumpet on Jake's hand

Red light photo of trumpet on sitter's hand.

Red light photo of trumpet on sitter's hand.

Dick puts the gold trumpet on Philippa's
hand, then puts it in this position
over her shoulder.

 Dick puts the spare table on top of the circle
table, he then tilts both to horizontal position
- both tables stuck firmly together.

 Dick puts the spare table on top of circle
table - the spare table then begins to dance.

 Tom takes red light photo of spare table
dancing on top of circle table - this
photo captures the actual movement.

 Spirit child 'Luke' pulls Tom and Jake
down over the table - Jake (left) has
the ropes wrapped around him by Luke.

 Luke ties the rope to Georgia's hand.

Red light photo of the skipping
rope over the table.

Luke asks for the tambourine and drum - he
then puts the tambourine on Tom's head,
and the drum on Jake's head.

 Red light photo of the tambourine
on Tom's head.

Red light photo of the drum on Jake's head.


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