Rainbow Home Circle - Wednesday 13th August 2014.


Kath & Terry Nelson.
Teresa Tuohy.
Tom Nelson.
Doris Forster.
Alison Sherwood.
Mike & Jojan Ganley.
Keri Barsby.
Steve Willoughby.
Caz Dukes.

Our thanks to Mike Ganley for taking on this evening’s transcript, as so much went on in just over an hour, it was no easy task. Thanks also to Keri, Steve and Caz for travelling up North to be with us tonight. Steve also brought along their own circle table to put in the séance room for the evening to energize it. Little did we know that our Spirit team would introduce it into the circle along with our regular two tables and work with all three at once…All in all an amazing evening.

Tom opened in prayer and as per usual the table jumped to life immediately. Before we knew it the table was upside down and the legs in the air. Finally it settled and when Terry asked who was there Red Cloud introduced himself and welcomed everyone. The table once again levitated. Red Cloud asked for the drum and hoops.

Terry placed the drum on the table and immediately it levitated and Red Cloud beat a strong rhythm. The drum came to various sitters bringing healing and comfort. It went out of the circle for a short while where no sitters were, before returning to the table. The rhythm alternated between hitting the table and the drum.

The hoops were then used by Red Cloud. They encircled various combinations of sitters and alternated between moving around in horizontal as well as vertical positions. Photographs were taken intermittently. We all found the movement of the hoops soothing and comforting. This lasted for some minutes before Red Cloud departed to allow further communicators to come through.

Dick then came through and welcomed everyone. We congratulated him on what would have been his 100th birthday the previous week. He thanked us for the good wishes and then asked for ‘three’. We all assumed megaphones but the table responded negatively and when Terry (probably tongue in cheek) asked him if it were tables the table confirmed this. (Steve had been given permission to bring his own home circle table into the séance – and this had been placed on the spare table in the corner of the room).

Steve’s table jumped up on top of the main table and both levitated. I must point out that the table was exceptionally heavy. The tables moved as if ‘glued’ together and photographs were taken. At one point all three tables were being manipulated and moved around between and on various sitters in an amazing display of physical control. Eventually Steve’s table was in the centre of the circle and the main table had been placed on one side.

Using the new table Dick tapped out a-Z as a trial run! He told Steve it was a good table but that it was too heavy and that they should use a lighter one to start with. In response to Kath’s question, Dick confirmed that the energy in the room was sufficient to move the table but back in their home circle it would not be. Dick requested the megaphones. They conducted the music and various sitters (Doris and Steve) had their arms pulled into the trumpets (and felt the strong hands of Dick squeezing the outside of it) and photographs were taken.

Dick blew kisses (clearly heard on audio) followed by several loud raspberry blows. The table returned to the corner of the room. He tapped out a tune to which all the sitters responded with humming the Conga tune. More blows were heard and when I said hello a clear ‘hello’ from the trumpet was clearly discernible. Dick left the circle.

The next visitor was Luke. The table levitated and turned upside down. Luke requested plasticine and ropes as well as cutters. The ropes were unravelled on the table in front of us and soon they were swinging in front of the sitters alternatively hitting the two tables. Jojan’s wrists were grabbed and a rope wrapped around them followed by Teresa, then the ropes swung in front of then moving above all our heads. My wrist was then grabbed and the rope wrapped around it and pulled tight. Steve and then Terry had their hands pulled and the rope wrapped around it and all of the majority of the sitters had their hands tied on the table.

The plasticine was being manipulated or cut into shapes then Luke asked for a pencil. The pencil with a luminous tab was placed on the table and it was immediately picked up by Luke. It was hard to see what he had produced although photographs were taken. Perhaps on close scrutiny of the photos more detail will emerge regarding what Luke produced. The rope was put through the cutters and then it began to swing.

Steve’s table was then returned to the corner of the room and the original séance table was returned to the centre of the circle. Jojan was pulled up then the rope was wrapped around my neck and I was pulled forward over the table and could clearly hear the rope swinging above me and in front of my face so I kept absolutely still! The rope was wrapped around Teresa’s hand several times and then I felt being dragged (rope still around my neck) across to Kath.

Luke communicated through the table ‘squiggly did like that’ which did not make sense until one guest realised he was referring to her circle called the Squirrels and Luke confirmed he could not spell squirrel. He communicated further: “You doing good (referring to the Squirrel Circle).” The message continued – ‘Eagle looks after Josh.’

For the benefit of the readers we were stunned at this message as Caz confirmed her son Josh did speak about an eagle visiting him at night times. She didn’t know what to make of this and put it down to an overactive imagination, but this message confirmed that Josh was indeed seeing the eagle and was very grateful to Luke for the message. Luke confirmed ‘He will see him’ and this was positively accepted. Luke left the circle.

The next communicator was Kay – our daughter in spirit. The table alternatively hugged Jojan and myself (with Kath stuck in between us!) and then she asked for the trumpet and confirmed when terry asked her if she’d prefer the small one.

She first spoke through the trumpet saying ‘hello’ in a quiet but non the less discernible voice. We then received two messages from her which we though quite amazing and both highly evidential. The first message was ‘I will help look after Ben.’ Ben, our son was due to fly out to Germany the following day to start a new life with his girlfriend and so everyone was quite naturally concerned that he would settle and enjoy his new life in a different country.

The second message was ‘Uncle Trevor with me.’ This was equally astounding –Trevor, our brother in law passed away the previous week with cancer and we were delighted to be given the opportunity to pass this message on to my sister. Kay then told us she loved us before hurling the trumpet unceremoniously to the far side of the room!

The next visitor was Freddie – Doris’ husband in spirit. The table moved over to Doris and then through the table Freddie communicated that he wanted to show Doris something. He asked for six trumpets! We joked about Freddie’s support for Newcastle United and said ‘Howay the lads’ as the trumpets went into the air. He then requested paper and pencil. We could clearly hear the sound of the pencil writing on the paper. We looked when Freddie had finished and a very personal message for Doris was read out followed by FF/DF and kisses. Commenting on the content of the letter Doris confirmed that she was indeed returning to work once again after her operation and going back to Germany to hold more workshops.

The next communicator was William. William also requested paper and a pencil. There was a cryptic
message asking what’s grey and has four legs and a trunk? Everyone naturally assumed this was something to do with an elephant and struggled to take and understand the message completely though later on all was revealed when Alison revealed she was going away with a friend for a few days (four legs) with (of course) a grey suitcase (grey trunk!).

Red Cloud returned to the table. He allowed everyone to ask one question though everyone just commented on their gratitude for the experience.

After 1 hour and 14 minutes Doris closed the sitting in prayer.

Mike Ganley.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - some were taken with a normal flash camera, and some were taken with a red light torch and digi-camcorder (snapshot feature).

Keri and Steve's quite heavy home circle table,
seated on top of our spare table just
before the sitting began.

 Various sitters receiving healing from the hoops
that were placed over them by Red Cloud.

 Red light photo of hoop just above the table.

Jojan, Caz and Teresa inside the hoop,
placed over them by Red Cloud.

Red light photo of the healing hoop over sitter.

Red Cloud links four sitters together
with the three hoops.

Tom, Mike and Kath sharing two hoops,
placed over them by Red Cloud.

 Steve, myself (Terry) and Doris - our
turn inside the hoops.

Red light photo taken whilst hoop
over sitter's head.

Red light photo of hoop resting
over sitter's hand.

Red light photo taken during healing
with the hoops.

 Dick (Kath's Father in Spirit) stacks
three tables one on top of the other.

Keri and Steve touch the tables to
transfer their energies.

Kath sat amidst the three tables,
placed in this position by Dick.

 Red light photo of hands resting on
the upturned spare table.

Dick places the trumpet over one sitter's
hand, and places another sitter's
finger in the end of it.

Dick uses Keri and Steve's table
to communicate, then gives it
a trial run...levitation etc.

Definite Spirit caught on camera
- later confirmed by Red Cloud.

Guest Sitter 'Caz' has the table
placed on her knee by Dick.

Spirit child Luke ties sitters with the
skipping rope, then creates shapes
from the plasticine.

 Red light photo, taken over table with
ropes and plasticine.

Luke ties up several sitters with the
skipping ropes before creating shapes
with the plasticine.

Red light photo of sitters hand tied with
skipping rope by Luke.

Red light photo of sitters wrist tied with
skipping rope by Luke.

 Kath's hands tied together by Luke.

Luke ties the skipping rope round Mike's
neck and Teresa's wrist.

Teresa's wrist tied with the skipping rope by Luke.

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